Is Jase older than Willie?
Jase Robertson was born to Phil and Marsha “Kay” Robertson in Bernice, Louisiana. Si Robertson, his uncle, was told by Phil to name him. Jase has one sister and three brothers – Alan, Willie, Phyllis, and Jeptha.
Where was Jase Robertson born?
Bernice, LA
Does Jase Robertson have a degree?
He graduated from Bible college after high school and worked part-time in ministry for two years before becoming Duck Commander’s first paid employee in the mid ’90s. Now, family, hunting, and helping the family business succeed consume most of Jase’s time.
Are Jase and Missy Robertson still married?
Jase, PB (Pre-Beard), and Missy pose for a photo on their wedding day. The happy couple has been married for over 20 years.
Who is Phil Robertson daughters mother?
It was like I’ve always known you, in a way.” She added that she calls Phil’s wife, Kay Robertson, her “special mom.” The Louisiana Tech University graduate revealed on May 28 that he found out he has a daughter from a 1970s affair. “Dad didn’t remember anything, no specifics about it.
Why does Jase Robertson call his dad Phil?
On calling his parents by their first names. We’ve been in business together ever since we were children, so back in the day, there were so many references to ‘your dad. ‘ Rather than wanting to sound totally hickified and go, ‘Well, my daddy said,’ we would refer to him as Phil.
How did Phil Robertson get a daughter?
Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson hosted his newly discovered daughter on his podcast. Days after revealing that a DNA test determined he fathered a child during an extramarital affair in the ’70s, he had his offspring, Phyllis, as a guest on Unashamed.
Is Bella Willie biological daughter?
Bella is the youngest of the biological children. The now 18-year-old has been keeping a pretty low profile since Duck Dynasty ended, occasionally appearing in her sister’s YouTube videos.
Does the Robertson family drink alcohol?
They’ve run afoul of Christian groups Robertson’s alcoholic past has clearly affected him and his family—and drinking has continued to have an impact on their financial bottom line. In 2013, son Willie Robertson launched his brand of Duck Commander Wines, sold online and at the finest Walmarts for $10 a bottle.