Is Joue in French masculine or feminine?

Is Joue in French masculine or feminine?

We use au when talking about playing soccer, because le foot is a masculine word. Because la crosse is feminine, à la is used. Pétanque, otherwise known as ‘bocci,’ is a type of bowling game played outdoors with small but fairly heavy metal balls.

What is jouer in perfect tense?

See the notes on the conjugation of jouer at the end of this page….jouer: Conjugation.

Present Perfect
je joue tu joues il/elle joue nous jouons vous jouez ils/elles jouent Pronounce these verb forms j’ ai joué tu as joué il/elle a joué nous avons joué vous avez joué ils/elles ont joué Pronounce these verb forms
Imperfect Pluperfect

What is regarder in present tense?

Regarder is the infinitive form of the verb, or the basic, generic form. When we use it with a pronoun such as je to say ‘I watch,’ or ‘I am watching,’ we use the appropriate form, or conjugation: je regarde. Let’s take a look at the verb conjugation in the present tense for all the forms.

What kind of verb is jouer?

Jouer is a regular -er verb.

Is Gagner avoir or etre?

‘ Gagner is a regular -er verb in French, and follows the regular -er verb conjugation pattern.

What is the future tense of avoir?

avoir: Conjugation

Present Perfect
Future Future-perfect
j’ aurai tu auras il/elle aura nous aurons vous aurez ils/elles auront Pronounce these verb forms j’ aurai eu tu auras eu il/elle aura eu nous aurons eu vous aurez eu ils/elles auront eu Pronounce these verb forms
Conditional Conditional perfect

What is the imperfect tense of Gagner in French?

Likewise, the imperfect subjunctive is a literary tense and it’s a good idea to be able to recognize these. To use gagner in short statements, use the imperative form and skip the subject pronoun….More Simple Gagner Conjugations to Learn.

(tu) gagne
(nous) gagnons
(vous) gagnez

What is the future tense of etre in French?

être: Conjugation

Present Perfect
Future Future-perfect
je serai tu seras il/elle sera nous serons vous serez ils/elles seront Pronounce these verb forms j’ aurai été tu auras été il/elle aura été nous aurons été vous aurez été ils/elles auront été Pronounce these verb forms
Conditional Conditional perfect

What is etre in futur simple?

‘être’ is the model of its conjugation….indicatif.

futur simple
je/j’ serai
tu seras
il, elle, on sera
nous serons

Do the French say pardon my English?

Do French people say ‘Pardon my English’ when they swear? – Quora. No. French people are not taught (from an early age) to be offended by swearing in the way that Americans are, so there is no need to make excuses for swearing.

Why do you say pardon my French?

The phrase is uttered in an attempt to excuse the user of profanity, swearing, or curses in the presence of those offended by it, under the pretense of the words being part of a foreign language.

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