Is math your favorite subject?

Is math your favorite subject?

Math is my favorite subject because it is easy to do solve the problem. I like using numbers, fractions, decimals and so much more. Math is also used in the real world like telling time, adding, dividing, percentage and even in a future career like engineering, architect, math teacher and lot more.

What’s the most popular school?

The top 50 most prestigious universities

Reputation rank 2020 Reputation rank 2019 University
1 1 Harvard University
2 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3 3 Stanford University
4 4 University of Cambridge

Is 155 a bad LSAT score?

A score of 155 on the LSAT is a classic ‘in-between’ score. While the score is not too low, it will also not put you in the cream of LSAT test takers. An LSAT score of 155 can at best be classified as an average score which will put you in the hunt for a decent law school.

Can I get into law school with a 153 LSAT?

The LSAT is the best predictor before law school as to whether a student will pass or fail the bar exam….Law School Enrollment.

Risk Band LSAT
Score Percentile
Minimal Risk 156-180 ≥ 67.4
Low Risk 153-155 55.6 – 63.9
Modest Risk 150-152 44.3 – 52.5

Is a 140 LSAT score good?

A score over 160 should place you in a good position for admission in most of the law schools in the country. Scoring below 140 will deem you unfit for most law schools. Generally, students with a good GPA and high LSAT scores should not find it difficult to get a seat at one of the top law schools.

Is 139 a good LSAT score?

No. 139 is a terrible LSAT score. 139 is such a low score, it indicates that you will probably never pass a bar exam. The traditional cut-off score for law school admissions is 150.

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