Is penicillin OK for horses?

Is penicillin OK for horses?

Your veterinarian has just prescribed Procaine Penicillin G for your horse. This medication is in a suspension and needs to be shaken well before use. Keep refrigerated. The typical dose of penicillin for a horse is 3cc (3mL) of Penicillin (300,000 IU/mL) per pound, injected into the muscle 2 times a day for 7 days.

How much penicillin can I give a horse?

DOSAGE: The dosage for cattle, sheep, swine, and horses is 3000 units per pound of body weight, or 1.0 mL for each 100 pounds of bodyweight, once daily. Treatment should not exceed 7 days in non-lactating dairy and beef cattle, sheep, and swine, or 5 days in lactating dairy cattle.

What antibiotics can I give my horse?

Some of the more common oral antibiotics in horses include trimethoprim sulfa, metronidazole, enrofloxacin, and chloramphenicol. Trimethoprim sulfa (SMZ, TMS, sulfa tabs) is an antibiotic which has a broad spectrum of activity against a variety of bacteria.

What happens if you give a horse too much bute?

Bute toxicity can also cause ulcers or hemorrhages in the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, low white blood cell count, anemia, and intestinal, kidney, and liver disease. “The kidney effects are usually clinically silent, unless you look for it with ultrasound,” Dowling says.

Can you give a horse amoxicillin?

Most animals (not horses or rabbits) tolerate amoxicillin very well, but it may cause decreased appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Giving this medication with food may decrease the occur- rences of reduced appetite and vomiting.

Can you give a horse human antibiotics?

Different species will metabolize drugs in different ways. In other words, your horse may be 10 times your size, but that doesn’t mean he should necessarily get 10 times your dose. Many antibiotics routinely given to people in pill or capsule form can’t be taken orally by horses without risk of severe colic or death.

Do you give antibiotics for hoof abscess?

The veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics to clear up any lingering infection, though most routine hoof abscesses do not require antibiotics. If a hoof abscess isn’t drained through a hole in the sole, the pus may work upward until it bursts out at the coronary band (gravel).

Do horses need antibiotics for abscess?

As hard as it is to watch a horse suffer through a hoof abscess or a case of strangles, once the abscesses are drained the infection most likely will resolve on its own without antibiotics.

How do you know if your horse has a hoof abscess?

Signs of a hoof abscess Usually, seeable wounds or swelling aren’t present. Severe abscesses can lead to swelling and infection that goes up the leg. The pastern or heel bulbs and coronary band may be swollen. Often, the hoof wall is warmer, and you can feel pulses near the pastern.

How long do you soak a hoof abscess?

The usual treatment of these involves opening the abscess to allow drainage to occur and treating or poulticing the foot to encourage further drainage. Rarely are antibiotics necessary. Soaking the hoof up to three times daily for 30 minutes in a very warm Epsom salt solution works well to encourage drainage.

Can Epsom salt draw out infection?

Epsom salt has been used to treat wounds and infections, but caution is recommended because it could also irritate the wound. While it doesn’t cure the infection, Epsom salt can be used to draw out the infection and soften the skin to help boost medication effects.

How long does an abscess take to heal in horses?

7-10 days

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