Is there a train from Stockholm to Helsinki?
The journey time between Stockholm and Helsinki is around 14h 51m and covers a distance of around 515 km. The fastest journey normally takes 13h 40m. Operated by Viking Line, Föli, Onni Bus and others, the Stockholm to Helsinki service departs from Stockholm and arrives in Helsinki Kamppi.
How long is the ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki?
How long does the Ferry to Stockholm from Helsinki take? Ferry sail times on this route generally take between 16 hours and 50 minutes, to 17 hours and 45 minutes, and this variation means that there is not one single ferry duration available on this route.
How do you get from Sweden to Finland?
There are no direct trains between Sweden or Norway and Finland, but the bus over the gap from Boden/Luleå (Sweden) to Kemi (Finland) is free with a Eurail pass. Finland can also be reached by ferry from Denmark, Germany or Sweden. You can get a 50% discount on most ferries with your pass.
How long is it from Finland to Sweden?
Distance from Finland to Sweden is 433 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 269 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Finland and Sweden is 433 km= 269 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Finland to Sweden, It takes 0.48 hours to arrive.
Can you get a ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki?
The Stockholm Helsinki ferry route connects Sweden with Finland and is currently operated by 3 ferry companies. Viking Line operate their crossing up to 1 times per week, Tallink Silja 4 times per week & the St Peter Line service is available up to 1 times per week.
Is it hard to move to Finland from USA?
Without obtaining a permit, it is only possible to live in Finland for up to 90 days. You must obtain a residence permit to stay longer than that amount of time. Immigrating to Finland is impossible without getting these permits, so it is integral that this is completed before you begin to move.