To get a head start with spring term, up his research game and learn more about Library resources, Kirby (the Library’s Study Happy penguin) has been exploring the Library’s collection of free online courses. Read his story (told by Emma Brown – Academic Support)
The Library seemed like a huge place for a 5 inch tall penguin. Full of books and e-resources, Kirby vaguely understood how to use the Library, but knew he could get more out of it to help improve his assignments. Whilst browsing the Library Website homepage, Kirby spotted a new section called ‘Your Library Online’ which he hadn’t seen before. He wanted to know more…
Kirby spoke to a friendly Academic Support Librarian, Richard, who explained that ‘Your Library Online’ was a collection of free online courses, designed to support students through their studies and time using the Library. Richard recommended that first of all, Kirby should check out Get WISe.
So Kirby gave it a go. The course taught him about all the different kinds of Library resources available to him and how to access them. After doing the course, Kirby felt much more confident about his Library ‘know how’, and was able to find a selection of useful materials for his assignment…

Next, Kirby wanted to understand how to use the materials he had sourced appropriately. He decided to find a quiet spot in the library and learn about how to avoid plagiarism over a coffee using the PlagiarWISe Course.

Now he had sourced the best resources, and felt confident to use them without plagiarism, Kirby wanted to find out more about referencing the materials he has used in his assignment. He discovered the RefWISe course which helped him to understand more about the importance of referencing and when it is necessary.
Kirby also learned that the Library runs workshops to help with referencing, and went along to one. It was so good, he added a shortcut to the Library ‘What’s On’ calendar to his phone so he could easily find out what else was going on in the Library.

For part of his assignment, Kirby was asked to deliver his work as a presentation to the class. Feeling quite nervous about this, he took the Present WISe course to help him create an effective presentation. Afterwards, Kirby felt super confident about his presentation skills.

Finally, after all his hard work Kirby, wanted to unwind. He spotted the Mindful Library course on Your Library Online and took a look for inspiration. He decided to give stress relieving yoga a go. He discovered he was exceptional at Shavasana (lying on his back), although found Sirsasana (the headstand) way more challenging (his friends at the Library had to improvise with paper clips but can confirm no stress toys were harmed in the making of this blog post)!…

Kirby asked us to share his story, and say that if you think any of these courses may also benefit your learning, to take a look at Your Library Online! You’ll find all of the courses featured on Kirby’s journey and also many more.