What is a good ending sentence for a conclusion?

What is a good ending sentence for a conclusion? Restate the thesis by making the same point with other words (paraphrase). Review your supporting ideas. For that, summarize all arguments by paraphrasing how you proved the thesis. Connect back to the essay hook and relate your closing statement to the opening one. How do you […]

How do you write a summary essay?

How do you write a summary essay? A summary begins with an introductory sentence that states the text’s title, author and main point of the text as you see it. A summary is written in your own words. A summary contains only the ideas of the original text. Do not insert any of your own […]

Why does history matter to you?

Why does history matter to you? History matters because it helps us as individuals and as societies to understand why our societies are the way they are and what they value. They live in societies with complex cultures, traditions and religions that have not been created on the spur of the moment. How history helps […]

What is the relevance of history?

What is the relevance of history? History Relevance – Historical Importance History Relevance serves as a catalyst for demonstrating, discovering and promulgating the value of history for individuals, communities and the nation. What is the importance and relevance of history? History helps us develop a better understanding of the world. You can’t build a framework […]

What is an example of claim of value?

What is an example of claim of value? A claim of value argues that something is good or bad, or that one thing is better than another thing. Sample claims of value: It’s better to apply good nutritional choices at home than teach them at school, because good nutrition then becomes ingrained in the child’s […]

How do you write an appendix in a report?

How do you write an appendix in a report? To refer to the Appendix within your text, write, (see Appendix A) at the end of the sentence in parentheses. Example: In addition to the limitations of email, Cummings et al. (2002) reviewed studies that focused on international bank employees and college students (see Appendix B […]

Why is history so important?

Why is history so important? Studying history enables us to develop better understanding of the world in which we live. Building knowledge and understanding of historical events and trends, especially over the past century, enables us to develop a much greater appreciation for current events today. Why do you think history matters? History matters because […]

What are examples of works protected by copyright?

What are examples of works protected by copyright? Works Protected by Copyrights literary works. musical works, including any accompanying words. dramatic works, including any accompanying music. pantomimes and choreographic works. pictorial, graphic and sculptural works. motion pictures and other audiovisual works. sound recordings. architectural plans, drawings and actual buildings. What are 3 types of works […]

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