Is the death penalty effective as a punishment?

Is the death penalty effective as a punishment? A: No, there is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than long terms of imprisonment. The death penalty has no deterrent effect. Claims that each execution deters a certain number of murders have been thoroughly discredited by social science research. Why is […]

What is the purpose of gender roles?

What is the purpose of gender roles? Gender roles are cultural and personal. They determine how males and females should think, speak, dress, and interact within the context of society. Learning plays a role in this process of shaping gender roles. These gender schemas are deeply embedded cognitive frameworks regarding what defines masculine and feminine. […]

What are the 4 types of families?

What are the 4 types of families? Family Structures Nuclear Family. The nuclear family is the traditional type of family structure. Single Parent Family. The single parent family consists of one parent raising one or more children on his own. Extended Family. Childless Family. Step Family. Grandparent Family. How common is the nuclear family? These […]

What is a good long term goal for work?

What is a good long term goal for work? Reaching Your Career Goals For example, say you have a long-term career goal to “gain a management position in two years.” You can set short-term goals to increase your productivity monthly or weekly, reduce your errors, learn new productivity methods, and check for new opportunities every […]

What are 3 types of interviews?

What are 3 types of interviews? Let us start with the different types of interviews. There are three types of interviews: unstructured, semistructured, and structured. What is the interview method? An interview is generally a qualitative research technique which involves asking open-ended questions to converse with respondents and collect elicit data about a subject. Interviews […]

How many times is so it goes in Slaughterhouse-Five?

How many times is so it goes in Slaughterhouse-Five? “So it goes,” the book’s melancholic refrain, appears in the text 106 times. Who killed Billy in Slaughterhouse-Five? Valencia Pilgrim accidentally kills herself with carbon monoxide after turning bright blue. So it goes. Billy Pilgrim is killed by an assassin’s bullet at exactly the time he […]

What is key terms in research?

What is key terms in research? Keywords are important words/concepts found in your research question or thesis. A quick and dirty way to pull keywords from a research question/thesis is to choose the most important nouns; all other words are irrelevant. Using keywords to search will always retrieve more results than phrases or sentences. What […]

How are memos and emails similar?

How are memos and emails similar? Emails are generally used both within an organization (“in-house”) and outside an organization, when the subject is relatively informal and routine. Memos are used only for communication within an organization, especially when the subject is more formal, non-routine, and more serious than what you’d write in an email. What […]

What is the main focus of cultural anthropology?

What is the main focus of cultural anthropology? The aim of cultural anthropology is to document the full range of human cultural adaptations and achievements and to discern in this great diversity the underlying covariations among and changes in human ecology, institutions and ideologies. What is the focus of cultural anthropology? Cultural anthropologists study how […]

Is a memo a report?

Is a memo a report? As nouns the difference between memo and report is that memo is a short note; a memorandum while report is a piece of information describing, or an account of certain events given or presented to someone, with the most common adpositions being by (referring to creator of the report) and […]

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