What was the old name of Kenya?

What was the old name of Kenya? Kenya was initially known as the British East Africa Protectorate, or British East Africa and it was not until 1920 that it was officially named Kenya. Parts of history has it that the name Kenya was coined from the Kamba language pronunciation of Mt Kenya’s traditional name, Kirinyaga […]

What type of source is a white paper?

What type of source is a white paper? The term white paper refers to a research document commissioned by a government department or agency in either the US or the UK. They are called white papers because they usually are published as pamphlets on white paper. What means white paper? A white paper (sometimes referred […]

What exactly is a white paper?

What exactly is a white paper? A white paper is an in-depth report or guide about a specific topic and the problems that surround it. It is meant to educate readers and help them to understand and solve an issue. How do you title a white paper? How to write a white paper title that […]

Are reports single or double spaced?

Are reports single or double spaced? 2. Your report must be TYPED, DOUBLE SPACED (except title and literature cited sections), with 1.0 inch margins. All section headings should be typed in all capitals. Indent each new paragraph, rather than skipping two more lines. What is the best line spacing for an essay? 1.5 line spaced […]

How do you write the date in APA format?

How do you write the date in APA format? If you’re writing in APA style, list the month, date and then year. Insert a comma after the date. For example: June 15, 2005 or May 2004. If you’re writing in Chicago style, list the month, date and then year. Do you put a date on […]

Does geography use APA or MLA?

Does geography use APA or MLA? Stylistically, geographers do not typically use the MLA or APA reference style in the text or reference list. How do you write a geo essay? Crafting a Well-Organized Geography Essay Body Make sure that everything you write relates to the thesis statement (main argument of the entire writing). Include […]

What is the standard line spacing for thesis?

What is the standard line spacing for thesis? ​The default template line spacing is 1.5 for text, with single-spaced block quotations. What is the line spacing for apa? double-spacing What is 12 pt line spacing? Line spacing controls how all lines of a paragraph are spaced. For example, say you’re using a 12 point font […]

How do you start a geography essay?

How do you start a geography essay? Here’s how you can create one: Write the first statement of introduction choosing any of the approaches proposed above. Write the thesis statement. Write three topic sentences each discussing a unique aspect of the thesis statement. They will be the first lines of your three body paragraphs. Reword […]

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