Why do you choose a saint for confirmation?

Why do you choose a saint for confirmation? Choosing a confirmation name is an important step on the path to living a devoted, holy life in the Catholic Church. Your confirmation name, typically the name of a saint, will serve both as a reminder to your commitment to God and as your inspiration for being […]

What is the main point of Federalist 10?

What is the main point of Federalist 10? Federalist Paper 10 is all about warning the power of factions and competing interests over the United States Government. Since everyone has their own self-interests, and people’s self-interests clash with others’, governments have to be able to pass laws for the common good instead of any one […]

What is pre introduction?

What is pre introduction? The “pre-introduction” phase for a product involves market research that is done to get an idea about the demand of the product in the market (local, national or international). Once it passes the prototype and testing phase, and it proves to be a viable product, higher volume production begins. What is […]

What is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty?

What is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty? Customer satisfaction gives an understanding on how much the product or service meets the expectations of the customer while loyalty is influenced by product or service quality and other factors. What’s the importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty? Customer satisfaction plays an important role within your […]

What words are not used in academic writing?

What words are not used in academic writing? Checklist of language to avoid in academic writing Do not use contractions. Contractions are the words formed from two abbreviated words, such as “don’t”, “can’t” and “won’t”. Do not use colloquial vocabulary. Avoid using run-on expressions. Do not use rhetorical questions. Place adverbs within the verb. What […]

Do we use articles with planets?

Do we use articles with planets? The Sun, the Moon, the Earth, and the Milky Way are the only celestial bodies that require the article (as far as I can remember). The other planets, such as Mercury, Mars and Venus, do not require an article. Which article is used with Earth? You would use ‘the […]

How do computers process data into information?

How do computers process data into information? Data processing, Manipulation of data by a computer. It includes the conversion of raw data to machine-readable form, flow of data through the CPU and memory to output devices, and formatting or transformation of output. Any use of computers to perform defined operations on data can be included […]

What does a Democrat believe in?

What does a Democrat believe in? The platform of the Democratic Party of the United States is generally based on American liberalism, contrasting with the conservatism of the Republican Party. The party has large centrist and progressive wings, as well as smaller conservative and socialist elements. What Democrat means? an adherent of democracy What is […]

What is the result of computer processing?

What is the result of computer processing? Output, the result produced by the central processing unit, is a computer’s whole reason for being. Output is usable information; that is, raw input data that has been processed by the computer into information. The most common forms of output are words, numbers, and graphics. What is the […]

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