What type of noun is Sun?

What type of noun is Sun? It is both a common noun and a proper noun. When it is used to refer to “our” Sun (the one at the centre of our solar system) it is a proper noun. When it is used to refer to the star at the centre of any solar system, […]

What is the most important component of research?

What is the most important component of research? Title, Abstract, Introduction (Statement of problem, Scope, Literature/Previous work) Method of study, Results, Analysis/Interpretation of Results, Conclusion then References. Of all these, the most important part of a research paper is the Results for that is the major contribution of the author to knowledge. What are three […]

What does an appendix look like in APA?

What does an appendix look like in APA? The appendix label appears at the top of the page, bold and centered. On the next line, include a descriptive title, also bold and centered. The text is presented in general APA format: left-aligned, double-spaced, and with page numbers in the top right corner. Start a new […]

Why is Earth not capitalized?

Why is Earth not capitalized? When you’re talking about the planet we live on, capitalize the word. Here’s why: Used in this capacity, Earth is a proper noun. While she’s on our planet Earth, the meaning of the word here refers not to the planet itself, but to the soil or dirt on the ground […]

How do you create a thesis statement?

How do you create a thesis statement? Your Thesis: State your topic. Your topic is the essential idea of your paper. State your main idea about this topic. Give a reason that supports your main idea. Give another reason that supports your main idea. Give one more reason that supports your main idea. Include an […]

How do you write a basic research paper?

How do you write a basic research paper? How to write a research paper Understand the assignment. Choose a research paper topic. Conduct preliminary research. Develop a thesis statement. Create a research paper outline. Write a first draft of the research paper. Write the introduction. Write a compelling body of text. What are the two […]

What are the advantages of using multiple methods in research?

What are the advantages of using multiple methods in research? First, research questions often pointed to the need for MMR design: “The main benefit of using multiple methods is that it produces better research—because you can answer questions with one method that can’t even be posed within the framework of another.” Multiple methods were particularly […]

What type of data do Interpretivists prefer?

What type of data do Interpretivists prefer? Positivism and Interpretivism are the two basic approaches to research methods in Sociology. Positivist prefer scientific quantitative methods, while Interpretivists prefer humanistic qualitative methods. Why do Interpretivists prefer documents? The reason some sociologists prefer qualitative data is it gives an account of how people see the world (interpretivists’ […]

What are headings and subheadings in a paper?

What are headings and subheadings in a paper? The use of headings and subheadings give the readers a general idea of what to expect from the paper and leads the flow of discussion. These elements divide and define each section of the paper. APA recommends five-level heading structure based on the level of subordination. What […]

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