Understanding Library terminology: Part I

I must admit the library can be rather intimidating, with its bizarre series of terms which only seems to be understood by hermits who have permanently retreated to its mysterious depths. Let me translate… By Lorna Khemraz Follow me in my transition from denial to actually looking up these strange words which fill up the […]

Library 101: Things I wish I had known…

SCONULDuring your first weeks at University, it feels like everyone is competing to fill your brain with information. It is all crucially important and gradually your head feels like it might implode. Here’s what our current users wish that they had known when they first started… A sense of panic sets in as you realise […]

My top 5 learning tools

Being a writer, scatter-brain and serial list maker, it is safe to say that I need as many tools to help organise my study life as possible. However, I don’t doubt for a moment that these technological treats are universally applicable, and will certainly prove to be nifty little angels in your lives too… By […]

The 6 stages of dissertation submission

It might feel a bit unbelievable but you’re nearly done. After twelve months of work, stress, essays, reports, all nighters in the library and more cups of coffee than are strictly healthy you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But the fun isn’t over quite yet – post dissertation hand-in can […]

Brain foods – boost your brainpower

Does what you eat really affect your studying? We asked students last year for their top revision and study tips, and some of their tips involved food and drink. Here’s what they said about eating and drinking to help you study.             Keep hydrated Drink lots of water to stay […]

4 Thoughts that you’ve had after an exam

‘What question 8?’ ‘That was so easy! Why did everyone else find it hard?’ ‘I miss the Library.’ ‘What do I do with my life now?’ ‘I can breathe again!’ ‘I failed. My whole life is over.’ We’ve all experienced some of these thoughts catapulting around our head as we leave an exam room. Let’s […]

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