What is an example of de jure?

What is an example of de jure? [Latin, In law.] For example, a government that has been overthrown and has moved to another state will attain de jure status if other nations refuse to accept the legitimacy of the revolutionary government. De jure SEGREGATION refers to intentional actions by the state to enforce racial segregation. […]

What is occlusive therapy?

What is occlusive therapy? Abstract. Introduction: Occlusive therapy, including both dry and wet (‘wet-wrap therapy’) offers a treatment option in atopic dermatitis (AD) which may be underutilized in clinical practice due to concerns about burdensome regimens and potential complications. What is occlusion of the skin? Occlusion refers to covering skin by tape, gloves, impermeable dressings, […]

How do you store paper documents long term?

How do you store paper documents long term? Caring for Your Paper Documents Store papers in a cool, dry, dark environment. Heat and humidity can cause paper to become brittle or moldy, and light can cause fading or yellowing. Store papers in archival containers. Boxes, paper sleeves, folders, or mats should always be preservation quality. […]

What is the most rare form of skin cancer?

What is the most rare form of skin cancer? Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare, aggressive skin cancer. It appears as a painless, flesh-colored or bluish-red nodule growing on your skin. Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare type of skin cancer that usually appears as a flesh-colored or bluish-red nodule, often on your face, head […]

What does a pilonidal cyst look like?

What does a pilonidal cyst look like? It’s called a pilonidal cyst, and it can become infected and filled with pus. Once infected, the technical term is “pilonidal abscess,” and it can be painful. It looks like a large pimple at the bottom of your tailbone. It is more common in men than in women. […]

What is footnotes in research methodology?

What is footnotes in research methodology? A footnote is a reference placed at the bottom of a page or footer. They are referenced in the text in the same way as a citation i.e. the referenced text is followed by a superscript numeral (1), which corresponds to the numbered footnote at the bottom of the […]

What does de facto segregation mean?

What does de facto segregation mean? During racial integration efforts in schools during the 1960’s, “de facto segregation” was a term used to describe a situation in which legislation did not overtly segregate students by race, but nevertheless school segregation continued. What does de facto means? 1 : actual especially : being such in effect […]

What does sensationalism mean?

What does sensationalism mean? 1 : empiricism that limits experience as a source of knowledge to sensation or sense perceptions. 2 : the use or effect of sensational subject matter or treatment. What is sensationalized language? noun. the use of sensational language, etc, to arouse an intense emotional response. such sensational matter itself. What is […]

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