Can you review music on YouTube?

Can you review music on YouTube? Fair use in context of reviewing a song on YouTube First of all you have to ask yourself is your content for profit or non profit. When making a song review, the emphasis is on the commentary so a snippet of a chorus will do perfectly. What is the […]

How can I be a good music critic?

How can I be a good music critic? Here is a quick-fire checklist of the qualities of a good music critic: A sharp and engaging tone. Thorough knowledge of the artist, genre and context of the music in question. Drive and passion: make it happen for yourself. Does a music critic need extensive knowledge of […]

Who is the most famous music critic?

Who is the most famous music critic? Anthony Fantano Why do music critics exist? The role of the critic is to contextualize, to generate an understanding of how our world is being reflected in popular culture and how that reflection compares to what came before. The critic helps the listener understand what they’re listening to […]

Who won the Hazelwood vs Kuhlmeier case?

Who won the Hazelwood vs Kuhlmeier case? In a 5-3 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the principal’s actions did not violate the students’ free speech rights. What are the reasons for censorship? There are many reasons to censor something, like protecting military secrets, stopping immoral or anti-religious works, or keeping political power. Censorship […]

What are the basic topics in mathematics?

What are the basic topics in mathematics? Topics include: Decimals, Fractions, Graphs, Integers and Rationals, Measurements, Number Series, Percents, Powers Exponents and Roots, Powers of Ten and Scientific Notation, Whole Numbers, Word Problems, and more. From Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division symbols and operations. How can I learn basic maths? to solidify your understanding of […]

How do you prepare audit working papers?

How do you prepare audit working papers? To prepare workpapers, you want to use the following elements: A descriptive heading: It should include the client’s name, the workpaper’s purpose, and the date under examination. Indexing: Like a book, every workpaper has a unique page number showing its place in the audit file. Do the Big […]

How can I publish my math paper?

How can I publish my math paper? Advice for amateur mathematicians on writing and publishing… Develop a track record. Use standard terminology and language. Use MathSciNet to search for references. Write a clear introduction to your paper. Follow established conventions for mathematical writing. Get feedback on your manuscript from friends or collaborators. Submit papers to […]

Is frontiers a good journal?

Is frontiers a good journal? At first, I thought, Frontiers’ journals are reputable and they acted like a reputable journal by just assigning an associate editor and then 2 reviewers to take care of my article. Last month, they sent the reviewers’ comments. It was easy overall for both reviewers’ comments. Is ResearchGate peer-reviewed? It […]

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