Is Nature Scientific Reports a good journal?

Is Nature Scientific Reports a good journal? The Journal “Scientific Reports”, published by the Nature publishing group, is gaining popularity with time (impact factor now around 5.2). Many researchers know that some well-regarded specialist journals might have relatively low impact factor, but their reputation is still top-ranked. What are the best journals to read? So […]

What are 5 jobs that involve entomology?

What are 5 jobs that involve entomology? Careers in Entomology Agricultural, biological or genetic research. Forensic entomology. Public health. Consulting (agricultural, environmental, public health, urban, food processing) State and federal government agencies. Conservation and environmental biology. Pharmaceutical industry. Natural resources management. Where can entomologist work? Entomologists may find employment with universities, laboratories, research groups, zoos, […]

What is affiliation in a journal paper?

What is affiliation in a journal paper? In scientific papers, the “affiliation” is the institute that each author belongs to. It is usually listed below the author names, as the “department, university” of the institute each authors worked at during the time that the study was conducted. What should be written in affiliation? Q: How […]

What is an affiliation?

What is an affiliation? : the state or relation of being closely associated or affiliated with a particular person, group, party, company, etc. What does affiliation mean on a job application? What are Affiliations or Memberships on a Resume? Affiliations and memberships are the personal and professional groups that you’re associated with. This could be […]

How do I give feedback to an assignment?

How do I give feedback to an assignment? Specific, giving the learner a clear indication of where the strengths and weaknesses lie. Thoughtful, indicating that the tutor has put time and effort into trying to understand what the learner is saying. Related to the learning outcomes, and includes an explanation of how the grade/ mark […]

What is your affiliation?

What is your affiliation? Your affiliation defines your relationship to the institution, eg. alumni, student, parent or staff. Users are able to choose multiple affiliations when registering. Once you have chosen your affiliation, the registration form will populate with the fields relevant to you. 1 out of 1 found this helpful. What is institutional affiliation […]

What are the project topics for zoology undergraduate students?

What are the project topics for zoology undergraduate students? Available projects. Biomechanics and ecology of sticky capture fluids in carnivorous plants (Nepenthes) Biomechanics of insect cleaning devices. Butterflies, behaviour and buffering: investigating the interaction between fine-scale habitat use, temperature and behaviour in UK butterflies. Cambridge ZooCast. What is Zoology subject? Zoology is a branch of […]

What is affiliation in publication?

What is affiliation in publication? One of the first things to look for is the author or authors. In a research article, the authors will list their affiliation, usually with a university or research institution. In a research article, you will never have an anonymous author or need to look for the author’s name or […]

What is Publons recognition?

What is Publons recognition? What is Publons? Publons helps you to record, verify, and showcase your peer review contributions for use in promotion applications. Publons gives recognition for peer review without compromising reviewer anonymity or infringing upon journal policies. What are grant proposals? A grant proposal is a very clear, direct document written to a […]

How do you write affiliation?

How do you write affiliation? What is an affiliation? In scientific papers, the “affiliation” is the institute that each author belongs to. It is usually listed below the author names, as the “department, university” of the institute each authors worked at during the time that the study was conducted. What are my affiliations? Your affiliation […]

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