What is the Impact Factor of nature Biotechnology?

What is the Impact Factor of nature Biotechnology? 36.5582019 What is a desk reject? A desk-reject means your manuscript has been rejected by a journal without being sent out for review. Is Rejected an emotion? In the field of mental health care, rejection most frequently refers to the feelings of shame, sadness, or grief people […]

What does author affiliation mean?

What does author affiliation mean? In scientific papers, the “affiliation” is the institute that each author belongs to. It is usually listed below the author names, as the “department, university” of the institute each authors worked at during the time that the study was conducted. What is affiliation of a student? Normally, if you are […]

How do you write author affiliation?

How do you write author affiliation? Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author’s name and in front of the appropriate address. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name, and, if available, the e-mail address of each author. What should I put for affiliation? As a […]

What is the meaning of synthesize?

What is the meaning of synthesize? transitive verb. 1 : to combine or produce by synthesis. 2 : to make a synthesis of. 3 : to produce (something, such as music) by an electronic synthesizer. What does it mean to synthesize in reading? Synthesizing a text is the process of pulling together background knowledge, newly […]

Can I get Grammarly premium for free?

Can I get Grammarly premium for free? So now there is one less method to get free Grammarly Premiums. To get free Grammarly Premium, you need to apply for an affiliate account. This method is much better than just going for a premium Grammarly account. It can also be your source of income. How do […]

How do you deal with a manuscript rejection?

How do you deal with a manuscript rejection? Here are the most common options for next steps after rejection: Appeal the rejection. Resubmit to the same journal. Make changes and submit to a different journal. Make no changes and submit to another journal. File the manuscript away and never resubmit it. What is the reason […]

How do you write a scientific nature?

How do you write a scientific nature? Straightforward writing Scientific writing should always aim to be A, B and C: Accurate, Brief, and Clear. Never choose a long word when a short one will do. Use simple language to communicate your results. Always aim to distill your message down into the simplest sentence possible. What […]

What are some ways to conclude the paper?

What are some ways to conclude the paper? Conclude an essay with one or more of the following: Include a brief summary of the paper’s main points. Ask a provocative question. Use a quotation. Evoke a vivid image. Call for some sort of action. End with a warning. Universalize (compare to other situations). Suggest results […]

What is your Orcid or Scopus ID?

What is your Orcid or Scopus ID? Your ORCID iD is a unique, open digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher with the same or a similar name to you. What is Scopus ID? The Scopus Author ID is an identifier that is used in the database Scopus. It is assigned automatically to […]

What can be done by Publon?

What can be done by Publon? Publons also provides: tools for publishers to find, screen, contact, and motivate peer reviewers; data and publications about global peer review behaviour; peer review training for early-career researchers; and. features for academics to discuss and evaluate published research. What is Publons profile? Your Publons profile is the public facing […]

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