What would you recommend for breakfast?

What would you recommend for breakfast? Here are the 12 best foods you can eat in the morning.Eggs. Eggs are undeniably healthy and delicious. Greek Yogurt. Greek yogurt is creamy, delicious and nourishing. Coffee. Coffee is an amazing beverage to start your day. Oatmeal. Oatmeal is the best breakfast choice for cereal lovers. Chia Seeds. […]

What is unique about Thailand culture?

What is unique about Thailand culture? Its unique culture mixes strong Indian influences, Chinese traditions, and elements that are absolutely Thai. With its diverse geography, friendly people, and stunning scenery, the Land of Smiles is a must-see destination in South East Asia. What is the culture and tradition of Thailand? The culture of Thailand has […]

How do you analyze historical documents?

How do you analyze historical documents? How to Analyze a Primary SourceLook at the physical nature of your source. Think about the purpose of the source. How does the author try to get the message across? What do you know about the author? Who constituted the intended audience? What can a careful reading of the […]

What are data validation techniques?

What are data validation techniques? Data validation is a method for checking the accuracy and quality of your data, typically performed prior to importing and processing. It can also be considered a form of data cleansing. Data validation helps ensure that when you perform analysis, your results are accurate. What are the types of data […]

What format do you use for science papers?

What format do you use for science papers? APA (American Psychological Association) is used by Education, Psychology, and Sciences. MLA (Modern Language Association) style is used by the Humanities. Chicago/Turabian style is generally used by Business, History, and the Fine Arts. What format do you write science papers in? Clear scientific writing generally follows a […]

How do you address a group of professors?

How do you address a group of professors? In the US, it’s perfectly fine to say “Hello (or dear) Professor X and Professor Y”, or something like Dear Professors. How do you approach a professor for research? How to Email a Research Professorstate specifically your interest in that research group (you need to read the […]

How do you write a critical thinking research paper?

How do you write a critical thinking research paper? How to Start a Critical Thinking EssayChoose a central problem or argument. Gather information and recall to existing knowledge. Come up with a thesis statement. Write the body paragraph. Analyze the information. Examine different viewpoints. Review contexts. Come up with your own viewpoint. What is critical […]

How do you cite two lines in a row APA?

How do you cite two lines in a row APA? If you are going to paraphrase for more than four sentences, add another reference to the author, such as, “John Doe also believes…” at the beginning of the fifth sentence. Include a parenthetical citation at the end of the last paraphrased sentence that includes the […]

Can Wikipedia be used as a reference?

Can Wikipedia be used as a reference? The answer from Wikipedia is clear: at least in research projects, you probably shouldn’t be citing Wikipedia. Well, Wikipedia, like other encyclopedias and handbooks, is a tertiary source. Tertiary sources are those that take their information from other primary and secondary sources. How often is Wikipedia wrong? “The […]

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