What motivates you to carry out peer review?

What motivates you to carry out peer review? A kind of transferring knowledge and experiences. EVen if I will recommend rejection of the paper, I try to make the comments educative to the authors to comprehend how to improve their paper. What motivates you to register interest? learning new things. coming up with creative ideas […]

How do you analyze artwork?

How do you analyze artwork? Determination of subject matter through naming iconographic elements, e.g., historical event, allegory, mythology, etc. Selection of most distinctive features or characteristics whether line, shape, color, texture, etc. Analysis of the principles of design or composition, e.g., stable, How do you visually Analyse art? Observe the artwork and write down your […]

How do you write an outline in APA format?

How do you write an outline in APA format? How to Write an Outline in APA Format 12-point Sheriff, Times New Roman or Courier font for all text and a minimum of 8-point font for tables and figures. The text must be double spaced including the quotes and reference list. The page numbers must be […]

How do you write a medical case summary?

How do you write a medical case summary? Case Reports may contain a demographic profile of the patient but usually describes an unusual or novel occurrence. Step 1: Identify the Category of Your Case Report. Step 2: Select an Appropriate Journal. Step 3: Structure Your Case Report According to the Journal Format. Step 4: Start […]

How do I cite an Amazon review in APA?

How do I cite an Amazon review in APA? List the name of the reviewer as the author and a description in place of a title. Then list Amazon as the title of the container, the date of the review, and the URL: Holwager, Joe. How do you cite an online commentary? Author Last Name, […]

How do you cite a critic review?

How do you cite a critic review? To cite a review, include the title of the review (if available), then the phrase, “Review of” and provide the title of the work (in italics for books, plays, and films; in quotation marks for articles, poems, and short stories). Finally, provide performance and/or publication information. Review Author. […]

What is media psychology and why do we need it?

What is media psychology and why do we need it? Why We Need Media Psychology. We need media psychology because media technologies are proliferating at the speed of light with new toys and gadgets on the market every day. These technologies are introducing capabilities that are redefining the way we work, play, and communicate. What […]

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