What epic poem is about the Trojan War?

What epic poem is about the Trojan War? Iliad What is the epic poem that tells the story of the war between Greece and Troy? “The Iliad“ (Gr: “Iliás“ ) is an epic poem by the ancient Greek poet Homer, which recounts some of the significant events of the final weeks of the Trojan War […]

What documents influenced the US Constitution?

What documents influenced the US Constitution? Both have important predecessors—our Constitution was influenced by the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights of 1689, and the Declaration by John Locke’s writings on the consent of the governed and by a document close to home for Thomas Jefferson, the draft version by George Mason of […]

How long would it take to travel 1 Lightyear?

How long would it take to travel 1 Lightyear? It travels at around 36,373 mph. One light-year is miles. (That’s 5,878,499,810,000 miles, or nearly 6 trillion miles). So, it would take New Horizons 18,449 years to travel one light year. What is 1 light year away? 5,878,625,370,000 miles How long does it take for light […]

What is authoritarian form of government?

What is authoritarian form of government? Authoritarianism, principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action. In government, authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people. Why democracy […]

What led to Shays Rebellion?

What led to Shays Rebellion? What Caused Shays’ Rebellion? The farmers who fought in the Revolutionary War had received little compensation, and by the 1780s many were struggling to make ends meet. Businesses in Boston and elsewhere demanded immediate payment for goods that farmers had previously bought on credit and often paid off through barter. […]

Why did European powers met in Berlin in 1885?

Why did European powers met in Berlin in 1885? Big European nations met in Berlin to hold a conference regarding the split up of the federated states of Africa. They wanted to split Africa into separate states in order to gain control over the continent’s abundant natural resources for the development of their industrial sector. […]

What term describes the unequal distribution of wealth power or prestige among members of a society?

What term describes the unequal distribution of wealth power or prestige among members of a society? Social inequality is the unequal distribution of wealth, power, or prestige among members of a society. Social class refers to a system of stratification based on access to resources such as wealth, property, power, and prestige. Sociologists often refer […]

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