Which of these is a concept for reducing setup times? Which of these is a concept for reducing setup times? Scheduling major change-overs sequentially helps to shorten overall setup times for the factory. In the lean approach, inventories are reduced gradually, instead of eliminating inventories as rapidly as possible. Which phrase word best captures what […]
What makes a holiday a holiday?
What makes a holiday a holiday? A holiday is a day set aside by custom or by law on which normal activities, especially business or work including school, are suspended or reduced. Generally, holidays are intended to allow individuals to celebrate or commemorate an event or tradition of cultural or religious significance. What are the […]
What is religious deconstruction?
What is religious deconstruction? Of course, abandoning your faith is in a way deconstruction in the sense that something falls apart. But if something falls apart, it simply means it is being destroyed. Deconstruction, however, entails a process of both taking apart and assembling; it is de-con-struction. What are the stages of deconstruction? Deconstruction, according […]
How did the Islamic empire expand so quickly?
How did the Islamic empire expand so quickly? Islam spread quickly because the Islamic state was initially able to expand very quickly. Later, like other religions, Islam spread quickly through trade along the Silk Road in Central Asia and the sea routes in the Indian Ocean and SE Asia. What did the caliphs do? The […]
What is pretesting of questionnaire?
What is pretesting of questionnaire? Definition. Pretesting is the stage in survey research when survey questions and questionnaires are tested on members of target population/study population, to evaluate the reliability and validity of the survey instruments prior to their final distribution. Why is pretesting necessary in questionnaires? Pretesting will help us determine if respondents understand […]
What is a reintegration program?
What is a reintegration program? Reintegration programs are designed to provide assistance to formerly incarcerated persons in getting job training and finding a job. Ideally, a reintegration program prevents a formerly incarcerated person from committing another crime by helping that person secure a good job. What is the definition of recidivism? It refers to a […]
How does self develop?
How does self develop? Sociological Theories of Self-Development. Later, George Herbert Mead (1863–1931) studied the self, a person’s distinct identity that is developed through social interaction. In order to engage in this process of “self,” an individual has to be able to view him or herself through the eyes of others. How do the self […]
Which US legislative action specifically prohibits monopolies quizlet?
Which US legislative action specifically prohibits monopolies quizlet? -Passed in 1890, the Sherman Antitrust Act was the first major legislation passed to address oppressive business practices associated with cartels and oppressive monopolies. The Sherman Antitrust Act is a federal law prohibiting any contract, trust, or conspiracy in restraint of interstate or foreign trade. Which generation’s […]
What is the term used to describe sociological research that is intended to solve social problems such as the research done by Jane Addams and WEB Dubois?
What is the term used to describe sociological research that is intended to solve social problems such as the research done by Jane Addams and WEB Dubois? What is the term used to describe sociological research that is intended to solve social problems, such as the research done by Jane Addams? social inequality. What does […]