What would a geographer use a sonar for?

What would a geographer use a sonar for? A geographer would most likely use sonar to do what? people, goods, and ideas. Name 3 things used by geographers to determine absolute location. What’s an internal force that helps create new landforms? Exploring Geography Question Answer An internal force that helps create new land forms volcanism […]

Is habeas corpus in the Bill of Rights?

Is habeas corpus in the Bill of Rights? Most individual rights of Americans are based on the Bill of Rights or another amendment to the Constitution. Habeas corpus is an exception. The colonists brought habeas corpus with them as part of their rights and privileges under English common law. Can a witness be cross-examined? Cross-examining […]

What is the key challenge of young adulthood?

What is the key challenge of young adulthood? Here are three areas that can be particularly challenging for young adults – peer pressure, college life, and dating. What type of intelligence enable people to get along well with others? Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. It involves effective verbal […]

How are mood disorders characterized?

How are mood disorders characterized? Mood disorders are characterized by a serious change in mood that cause disruption to life activities. Though many different subtypes are recognized, three major states of mood disorders exist: depressive, manic, and bipolar. What is a mood disorder quizlet? Mood disorder. Mood disorders are disturbances of emotions that are severe […]

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