How can you tell a concave slope on your map?

How can you tell a concave slope on your map? Concave: Contour lines showing a concave slope on a map will be closely spaced at the top of the terrain feature and widely spaced at the bottom. Bushwalkers going up the slope will find the terrain increasingly steep and challenging. What are the 10 terrain […]

Is radioactive decay bad?

Is radioactive decay bad? Radiation can either kill cells or damage the DNA within them, which damages their ability to reproduce and can eventually lead to cancer. When radiation is present, high energy particles pass through your body. These can collide with atoms in your body and disrupt atomic structure. What is a decay constant […]

How many points are sustainable sites?

How many points are sustainable sites? SITES certification is based on a point system: the number of points that a project earns determines the certification level it receives….SITES Rating System. Certification Level Points SITES Certified 70-84 points earned SITES Silver 85-99 points earned SITES Gold 100-134 points earned What is meant by sustainable sites? The […]

What are the main sources of information?

What are the main sources of information? Such sources include: the internet, newspapers, journals, transcripts from radio or TV programmes, leaflets, photographs and other artefacts (man-made objects). What are the types of information? There are four types of information: Factual. Factual information is information that solely deals with facts. Analytical. Analytical information is the interpretation […]

What was the first drum set ever made?

What was the first drum set ever made? MCCABE: The earliest surviving examples of drums date back to the 6th century B.C. But the drum set as we know it today is only 100 years old. In 1918, the Chicago-based Ludwig Drum Company debuted the Jazz-Er-Up, an all-in-one set with a single-bass drum and pedal, […]

Do we need oxidants?

Do we need oxidants? Oxidation can damage vital molecules in our cells, including DNA and proteins, which are responsible for many body processes. Molecules such as DNA are needed for cells to function properly, so if too many are damaged, the cell can malfunction or die. This is why antioxidants are important. Why are oxidants […]

What is the new technology in ESEM?

What is the new technology in ESEM? These problems can now be overcome, thanks to the new environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM), which permits the imaging of wet systems with no prior specimen preparation. Which gas is used in SEM? However, the first images of wet specimens in an SEM were reported by Lane in […]

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