What style of art is Edward Hopper known for?

What style of art is Edward Hopper known for? realist What style of painting is Nighthawks? Modern art What is the definition of a diner? 1 : a person who dines (as in a restaurant) or who is dining. 2a : dining car. b chiefly US : a typically small, informal, and inexpensive restaurant that […]

What metal did daguerreotype pictures use?

What metal did daguerreotype pictures use? The daguerreotype image is formed on a highly polished silver surface. Usually the silver is a thin layer on a copper substrate, but other metals such as brass can be used for the substrate and daguerreotypes can also be made on solid silver sheets. What did the daguerreotype do […]

What is the Salisbury Cathedral made out of?

What is the Salisbury Cathedral made out of? Materials. Salisbury Cathedral makes exceptional use of Purbeck marble. Now Purbeck marble is not marble, nor in this case, does it come from the Isle of Purbeck. It is crystalline limestone, and it was quarried in Corfe Castle, Dorset. Which of these is a distinguishing characteristic of […]

What is ethos pathos and logos used for?

What is ethos pathos and logos used for? Ethos is about establishing your authority to speak on the subject, logos is your logical argument for your point and pathos is your attempt to sway an audience emotionally. What are ethos pathos logos called? Ethos, pathos, and logos are different methods for persuading an audience—approaches to […]

What is the difference of Greek and Roman?

What is the difference of Greek and Roman? Romans were intellectuals who were obsessed with concepts such as mathematics and epistemology while Greeks were thinkers and philosophers. Romans believed that leading an ideal life and being a model citizen will make them gods in the afterlife while Greeks believed that on death, a journey to […]

The couple, revealed by the washing machine

When to begin the couple ? It is now difficult to answer this question. Is this the first sexual intercourse ? In the beginning of the cohabitation ? The implementation of a collective system for the management of daily life ? We propose in this article to come back on one of the theses of […]

in-vitro fertilization in France

The number of People and Companies of December 2008 200 000 children conceived through in vitro fertilization in France since 30 years ” Élise de La Rochebrochard made the point about in vitro fertilization : medical techniques, ethical debate, evolution. In total, since the inception of the technique, nearly 200 000 children have been conceived […]

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