How has religion shaped the cultural landscape? Different religions may shape the cultural landscape differently because of the different types of sacred sites. Most sacred sites have to do with events from the founding of a certain religion and are usually near the hearth. Many religions also build shrines or other structures to commemorate those […]
In which type of government is power shared between a central government and one or more local governments?
In which type of government is power shared between a central government and one or more local governments? federal government How are powers divided between federal and state governments? Exclusive powers are those powers reserved to the federal government or the states. Concurrent powers are powers shared by the federal government and the states. Only […]
Is importing goods good for the economy?
Is importing goods good for the economy? First, exports boost economic output, as measured by gross domestic product. 3 They create jobs and increase wages. Third, countries with high import levels must increase their foreign currency reserves. Through exporting, they learn to produce a variety of globally-demanded goods and services. What are the benefits of […]
What is an identity status?
What is an identity status? Definition. A term originating from the psychosocial theory of development that describes adolescents’ exploration of and commitment to values, beliefs, and roles. Which personality type is most likely to have anxiety? What makes you most anxious, based on your Myers-Briggs personality type ENTP: When you feel stuck and unchallenged in […]
What protects an invention?
What protects an invention? An invention is a new solution to a technical problem and can be protected through patents. Patents protect the interests of inventors whose technologies are truly groundbreaking and commercially successful, by ensuring that an inventor can control the commercial use of their invention. What protects an inventor’s rights to inventions? Functions […]
What type of question forces respondents to select answers that do not truly express their status or opinions?
What type of question forces respondents to select answers that do not truly express their status or opinions? The dichotomous question is a question that can have two possible answers. Dichotomous questions are usually used in a survey that asks for a Yes/No, True/False, Fair/Unfair or Agree/Disagree answers. What type of variables typically result from […]
What are the benefits of love marriage?
What are the benefits of love marriage? Here in this post, we are going to share the advantages of love marriage. Freedom to Choose Partner of your choice. Compatible Partner with Better Understanding. Love. Trust on Partner. Maturity in Relationship. Self Satisfaction. Parents Satisfaction. No Hesitation. What are the advantages of love marriage over arranged […]
What should a hot air balloonist do to go higher up?
How did the Magna Carta further the development of the rule of law?
What territories did the US acquire between 1783 1853?
What territories did the US acquire between 1783 1853? The Gadsden Purchase, now part of southern Arizona and New Mexico, completed the acquisition of land that today makes up the continental United States….Gadsden Purchase (1853) Territory U.S. in 1783 Country Obtained from… Britain Year Obtained 1783 Approximate Cost Revolutionary war victory What territories were purchased […]