For what values of k is the system stable?

For what values of k is the system stable? If K < 1386, the system will remain stable. If K > 1386, the system will remain unstable. How do you determine a closed loop stability? The determination of stability is based on the closed-loop characteristic polynomial: Δ(s,K)=1+KGH(s). What are the characteristics of stable and unstable […]

What is the relationship between intensity?

What is the relationship between intensity? indicates the average value of the quantity q.) to describe the medium of propagation. What is the same for all types of waves, the main point here, is that the intensity is proportional to the square of the amplitude. Does voltage increase with light intensity? For the short-circuit current, […]

What is the effective resistance between A and D?

What is the effective resistance between A and D? D=5Ω+10Ω+5Ω=20Ω What is the effective resistance in the given circuit? The effective resistance of a circuit containing resistances in parallel is smaller than any of the individual resistances. For example : R1=2Ω and R2=3Ω ∴ Effective resistance Rp1=R11+R21. Maximum effective resistance will be when all the […]

What caused the 5 mass extinctions?

What caused the 5 mass extinctions? The most commonly suggested causes of mass extinctions are listed below. Flood basalt events. The formation of large igneous provinces by flood basalt events could have: Sea-level falls. Impact events. Global cooling. Global warming. Clathrate gun hypothesis. Anoxic events. Hydrogen sulfide emissions from the seas. Can global warming cause […]

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