What sound does a cymbals make in words? Clang! Those are the sounds made by a cymbal — a loud percussion instrument that is part of most drum kits. Which guitar is best for beginners? The Best (Affordable) Acoustic Guitars for Beginners, According to Experts Martin LX-1 Little Martin Acoustic Guitar. Gretsch G9500 Jim Dandy […]
Which metal is used in photovoltaic cell?
Which metal is used in photovoltaic cell? Silicon What is the symbol of photovoltaic cell? The symbol is shown below. As shown in the given diagram the Solar cell is like an ordinary diode. It consist of silicon, germanium PN junction with a glass windows on the top surface layer of P-Type, the P-Type material […]
What is the color code for light red?
What are the 4 genders?
What are the 4 genders? The four genders are masculine, feminine, neuter and common. What are the roles of a boy and a girl at home? Chores: Boys are more likely than girls to have maintenance chores around the house such as painting and mowing the lawn, while girls are likely to have domestic chores […]
How do you explain anomalous results?
How do you explain anomalous results? Anomalous results are odd results – those which are not in keeping with the rest of the results or which do not follow any correlation you have spotted. If you have repeated your experiment several times, you will usually find fewer anomalous results than if you carry it out […]
Why does electronegativity increase as you go across a period?
Why does electronegativity increase as you go across a period? It is no wonder the electron pair gets dragged so far towards the chlorine that ions are formed. Electronegativity increases across a period because the number of charges on the nucleus increases. That attracts the bonding pair of electrons more strongly. How does electronegativity vary […]
What did Prince Henry discover?
What did Prince Henry discover? After procuring the new caravel ship, Henry was responsible for the early development of Portuguese exploration and maritime trade with other continents through the systematic exploration of Western Africa, the islands of the Atlantic Ocean, and the search for new routes. Who went to Prince Henry’s navigation school? The last […]
What are the problems with space exploration?
What are the problems with space exploration? Problem: Space travel can present extreme environments that affect machine operations and survival. Like humans, machines are impacted by gravity, propulsive forces, radiation, gases, toxins, chemically caustic environments, static discharge, dust, extreme temperatures, frequent temperature variations and more. How does space exploration affect the economy? “In this new […]
What happens when Aluminium is burnt in the presence of oxygen?
What happens when Aluminium is burnt in the presence of oxygen? Reaction of aluminium with air So, normally, aulumium metal does not react with air. If the oxide layer is damaged, the aluminium metal is exposed to attack. Aluminium will burn in oxygen with a brilliant white flame to form the trioxide alumnium(III) oxide, Al2O3. […]
Does the Eclipse affect sleep?
Does the Eclipse affect sleep? You should not sleep during the duration of the eclipse. So you can’t eat, you can’t have sex — and you’re not allowed to sleep either. Three pretty major activities have been cut out of the equation if you’re superstitious. Is it safe to go outside during solar eclipse? Dos […]