What are the requirements for obtaining a warrant under the Wiretap Act? To obtain a warrant, the government must show probable cause to believe a search is justified, describe in particularity the conversation to be intercepted, and provide a specific time period for the surveillance, among other requirements. What are the requirements for a wiretap? […]
How would you describe an efficient economy?
How would you describe an efficient economy? Economic efficiency implies an economic state in which every resource is optimally allocated to serve each individual or entity in the best way while minimizing waste and inefficiency. When an economy is economically efficient, any changes made to assist one entity would harm another. Why technical efficiency is […]
Why is it usually difficult to maintain productive agriculture year after year in a cleared area of tropical rainforest quizlet?
Why is it usually difficult to maintain productive agriculture year after year in a cleared area of tropical rainforest quizlet? #6 Its difficult to maintain productive agriculture year after year in a cleared area of tropical rainforest because of soil erosion, drought, flooding, water quality degradation and declining agricultrial productivity and carbon dioxide increase because […]
What is the Great Basin known for?
What is the Great Basin known for? The Great Basin is particularly noted for its internal drainage system, in which precipitation falling on the surface leads eventually to closed valleys and does not reach the sea. Is the Great Basin a mountain range? The “Great Basin” that Great Basin National Park is named after extends […]
What publication can pilots and air traffic controllers?
What publication can pilots and air traffic controllers? Copies of Flight to the Future: Human Factors in Air Traffic Control are available from the National Academy Press for $44.95 (prepaid) plus shipping charges of $4.00 for the first copy and $. 50 for each additional copy; tel. (202) 334-3313 or 1-800-624-6242. What is the Federal […]
What does a more perfect union mean in the Constitution?
What does a more perfect union mean in the Constitution? to form a more perfect Union What are the three terms used to refer to the United States government? The three branches of the U.S. government are the legislative, executive and judicial branches. Who can apply for domicile certificate Jammu and Kashmir? Citizens first have […]
When you hear the soft harmonies of the various singers?
When you hear the soft harmonies of the various singers? When you hear the soft harmonies of the various singers, some taking high and others low parts, some singing in advance, some following in the rear, others with pauses and interludes, you would think yourself listening to a concert of sirens rather than men, and […]
What are the different ways mapmakers use to show maps called?
What are the different ways mapmakers use to show maps called? These elements include the map’s scale, symbols, and grids. Scale. A map’s scale shows the relationship between distances on the map and the real distances on Earth. Symbols. A symbol is something that stands for something else. Grids. Other Map Features. Map Projections. How […]
What is a speech preparation outline?
What is a speech preparation outline? A preparation outline is a precursor to your speech outline. As its name suggests, a preparation outline helps you prepare your speech. A preparation outline consists of three main sections, which includes the introduction, body, and conclusion. It also includes the title of the speech. What are the two […]
How did Walmart achieve strategic fit?
How did Walmart achieve strategic fit? Walmart’s supply chain management strategy has provided the company with several sustainable competitive advantages, including lower product costs, reduced inventory carrying costs, improved in-store variety and selection, and highly competitive pricing for the consumer. What does a company need to do to achieve strategic fit between the supply chain […]