How were borders created?

How were borders created? Borders are established through agreements between political or social entities that control those areas; the creation of these agreements is called boundary delimitation. Some borders—such as most state’s internal administrative border, or inter-state borders within the Schengen Area—are open and completely unguarded. What is a Prorupted boundary? A prorupted or protruded […]

What is a primary source US history?

What is a primary source US history? Primary sources include documents or artifacts created by a witness to or participant in an event. They can be firsthand testimony or evidence created during the time period that you are studying. The collection and analysis of primary sources is central to historical research. What are the benefits […]

What are barriers to entry examples?

What are barriers to entry examples? Common barriers to entry include special tax benefits to existing firms, patent protections, strong brand identity, customer loyalty, and high customer switching costs. Other barriers include the need for new companies to obtain licenses or regulatory clearance before operation. What are the common barriers to entry that the entrepreneurs […]

What is urban land and rural land?

What is urban land and rural land? The rural-urban fringe is a general term for human development near to, or abutting, forested or other natural areas. This area represents a transition zone between urban and rural land uses. Other names for this transition zone are urban hinterland and wildland urban interface. What is the difference […]

When would you use a non directional hypothesis?

When would you use a non directional hypothesis? If there are limited or ambiguous findings in the literature regarding the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable, write a non-directional (two-tailed) hypothesis. What is a two-tailed hypothesis test used to evaluate? What Is a Two-Tailed Test? In statistics, a two-tailed test is a […]

Did Louis XIV have absolute power?

Did Louis XIV have absolute power? After Mazarin’s death in 1661, Louis XIV broke with tradition and astonished his court by declaring that he would rule without a chief minister. He viewed himself as the direct representative of God, endowed with a divine right to wield the absolute power of the monarchy. What made Louis […]

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