How did female veterans use the GI Bill?

How did female veterans use the GI Bill? VA job counselors frequently steered African American veterans towards vocational training instead of university courses. Over 332,000 woman veterans were also eligible for benefits under the GI Bill. A higher percentage of women chose a university education (as opposed to vocational training) than men. How did the […]

What type of rocks are in the Rocky Mountains?

What type of rocks are in the Rocky Mountains? The Rocky Mountains, like other regions of the Southwest, contain a succession of Paleozoic sandstone, limestone, and shale. Between the Cambrian and Mississippian, these rocks were deposited in shallow marine environments on what was then the western shore of North America. What type of rock do […]

What is middle of the road management?

What is middle of the road management? The middle-of-the-road manager values productivity and people and strives to balance the two in daily interactions with staff. Instead of ruling over a team with an iron fist, the middle-of-the-road manager is more lenient, believing that giving workers freedom is the key to increased productivity. What is middle […]

Are females paid less than males?

Are females paid less than males? Women earn 82 cents for every dollar a man earns According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, in 2020, women’s annual earnings were 82.3% of men’s, and the gap is even wider for many women of color. What percentage of income do women working full-time typically earn compared to […]

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