Which term refers to the variety of permanent waving and straightening services available for various hair types?

Which term refers to the variety of permanent waving and straightening services available for various hair types? texture services Which of these terms is used to encompass a broad range of beauty specialties including hairstyling nail technology and esthetics? cosmetology What is the term used to encompass a broad range of specialty areas including hairstyling? […]

Is it safe to put phone in pocket?

Is it safe to put phone in pocket? Keeping your phone in your pocket seems logical, but you could be doing more harm than good. According to Lilly Friedman, MD, this is actually the worst place to store your cell phone. Merely sitting on your phone could cause health issues such as sciatica or other […]

Why was the beaver so important to the natives?

Why was the beaver so important to the natives? Native American Beaver Mythology. In some Athabaskan tribes of Alaska, Beaver is the culture hero, a benevolent Transformer who uses his wits to slay monsters and shape the world to the benefit of the people. Beavers symbolize wealth and hunting success in many Alaskan and other […]

What is a clothes designer called?

What is a clothes designer called? 1. clothes designer – someone who designs clothing. couturier, fashion designer, designer. creator – a person who grows or makes or invents things. costume designer, costumer, costumier – someone who designs or supplies costumes (as for a play or masquerade) Who was the first fashion designer? Charles Frederick Worth […]

What is clay slip used for?

What is clay slip used for? Slip can be used: As a means of mixing the constituents of a clay body. To join sections of unfired ware or greenware, such as handles and spouts. To fix into place pieces of relief decoration produced separately, for example by moulding. How do you use a slip to […]

How much BTC can Antminer S9 mine?

How much BTC can Antminer S9 mine? Based on its technical specifications, the S9 will have the capacity to mine 0.Bitcoin per month. This figure does not factor in the cost of hardware, power, pool fees and others. If you run the Antminer for a month, expect to get a profit of 0.Bitcoin, which is […]

What is art Dickie?

What is art Dickie? Dickie’s definition: a work of art in the classificatory sense is (1) an artifact (2) upon which some person or persons acting on behalf of a certain social institution (the artworld) has conferred the status of candidate for appreciation. What is the institutional theory of art? Institutional. The institutional theory of […]

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