What is the plot of Pygmalion? Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw that tells the story of a poor, young flower girl who has been disrespected and overlooked because of her appearance and the dialect she speaks. How does the Pygmalion myth end? At the end of the play, after an enormous battle […]
What other skills does study history has helped you develop?
What other skills does study history has helped you develop? Studying History teaches you vital, widely applicable skills—interdisciplinary research, analysis, writing, and oral communication. Studying History will help you build a career—anything from business to government to education to the law, and beyond. What is positive transfer? Positive transfer refers to the facilitation, in learning […]
What are the conditions for a whistle blowing to be considered moral?
What are the conditions for a whistle blowing to be considered moral? Briefly, (1) the firm’s actions will do serious and considerable harm to others; (2) the whistle-blowing act is justifiable once the employee reports it to her immediate supervisor and makes her moral concerns known; (3) absent any action by the supervisor, the employee […]
Which of the following did the author of this chapter argue was one of the major transformations necessary for globalization to take off?
Which of the following did the author of this chapter argue was one of the major transformations necessary for globalization to take off? Which of the following did the author of this chapter argue was one of the major transformations necessary for globalization to take off? People began relating to economic markets differently. Specifically, peasants […]
What does the capitulum of the humerus articulate with?
What does the capitulum of the humerus articulate with? humerus. … two smooth articular surfaces (capitulum and trochlea), two depressions (fossae) that form part of the elbow joint, and two projections (epicondyles). The capitulum laterally articulates with the radius; the trochlea, a spool-shaped surface, articulates with the ulna. What does the Trochlea of the humerus […]
What are the social objectives of an Organisation?
What are the social objectives of an Organisation? The main social objectives are: (i) Pollution free methods of production. (ii) Increasing employment opportunities especially for the economically weaker sections of the society and backward classes. (iii) Providing basic facilities to the employees like schools & creches for their children, medical facilities etc. What are the […]
Why is only one side of the moon visible from the earth?
What part does nuclear fusion play in the formation of a star?
What part does nuclear fusion play in the formation of a star? Stars are powered by nuclear fusion in their cores, mostly converting hydrogen into helium. The production of new elements via nuclear reactions is called nucleosynthesis. A star’s mass determines what other type of nucleosynthesis occurs in its core (or during explosive changes in […]
What did the Soviet Union do that led Britain and the United States to undertake the Berlin airlift?
What did the Soviet Union do that led Britain and the United States to undertake the Berlin airlift? On June 24, 1948, the Soviet Union blocked all road and rail travel to and from West Berlin, which was located within the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany. Instead, he ordered a massive airlift of supplies […]
Why was the invention of microscope so important for the discovery of cells?
Why was the invention of microscope so important for the discovery of cells? The electron microscope had a huge impact on biology. It allowed scientists to study organisms at the level of their molecules and led to the emergence of the field of cell biology. With the electron microscope, many more cell discoveries were made. […]