How do you deal with high conflict in a divorce? Steps you can take to cope and recover from a high conflict divorce Let your spouse own their behaviors. You don’t have to become a target for abuse. Don’t fall for their tactics and traps. Don’t be played. Don’t be bullied. Recognize that a destructive […]
Which of these civil rights leaders was born in Georgia?
Which of these civil rights leaders was born in Georgia? Georgia is often considered the home of the American civil rights movement because many key events were organized or enacted here. The life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is felt all across the state where he was born, raised, preached and shaped […]
What was an impact on the Native American population as a result of the Columbian Exchange?
What was an impact on the Native American population as a result of the Columbian Exchange? The impact was most severe in the Caribbean, where by 1600 Native American populations on most islands had plummeted by more than 99 percent. Across the Americas, populations fell by 50 percent to 95 percent by 1650. The disease […]
What is parental psychological control?
What is parental psychological control? Parental psychological control is an emotionally manipulative parenting behavior that involves the use of tactics such as love withdrawal, guilt induction, and conditional approval and has been found to be particularly problematic for adolescent development. Why do strict parents cause rebellion? 1. Strict parenting deprives kids of the opportunity to […]
What was the source of mercury in Minamata?
What was the source of mercury in Minamata? Minamata disease was first discovered in the city of Minamata, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, in 1956. It was caused by the release of methylmercury in the industrial wastewater from a chemical factory owned by the Chisso Corporation, which continued from 1932 to 1968. How did the human exposure […]
When consumers determine through their purchases what goods and services will be produced it is known as what?
When consumers determine through their purchases what goods and services will be produced it is known as what? Consumer sovereignty: Consumers determine through purchases what goods and services will be produced. What affects consumer Behaviour? There are four important psychological factors affecting the consumer buying behavior. These are: perception, motivation, learning, beliefs and attitudes. The […]
Who did Malinowski study?
Who did Malinowski study? Search for: What is Bronislaw Malinowski known for? What did Malinowski study in the Trobriand Islands? Search for: Who is Bronislaw Malinowski and what role did he play in anthropology? How did Malinowski define fieldwork? Unlike the ‘armchair anthropologists’ before him, Malinowski advocated, instead of studying other peoples from the comfort […]
What is the difference between meanings given and meanings given off according to Goffman?
What is the difference between meanings given and meanings given off according to Goffman? Goffman made a distinction between expressions given and expressions given off. Expressions given refer to those expressions that we intend for others to read. Expressions given off are those (usually nonverbally) that we don’t intend for others to see that add […]
What is the hallmark of self actualizers?
What is the hallmark of self actualizers? According to Maslow, what is the “hallmark” of self-actualizers? The “hallmark” of self-actualizers is frequently occurring peak experiences – experiences of deep meaning, insight and harmony within and with the universe. Which of Maslow’s levels deals with the process of realizing one’s own potential? Maslow’s quote refers to […]
What is one branch of mathematics it shows how points Lines angles and surfaces relate to one another?
What is one branch of mathematics it shows how points Lines angles and surfaces relate to one another? The definition of geometry is a branch of math that focuses on the measurement and relationship of lines, angles, surfaces, solids and points. The mathematical study of the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, planes, surfaces, […]