What percent of fatalities on the road are related to alcohol? How big is the problem? In 2016, 10,497 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for 28% of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. How many deaths occur from drunk driving? Overview. Every day, about 28 people in the United States die in […]
How did the role of merchants change under Han rule?
How did the role of merchants change under Han rule? How did the role of merchants change under Han rule? Han valued the peasants and respected them a lot more for their hard labor but merchants didn’t do much so they had to pay the consequences. Peasants were honored for their productive labors while merchants […]
Why did Henry David Thoreau build a cabin on Walden Pond?
When a deviant act becomes criminal when what happens?
When a deviant act becomes criminal when what happens? Typically, in our society, a deviant act becomes a criminal act that can be prohibited and punished under criminal law when a crime is deemed socially harmful or dangerous to society. What is the social definition of crime? The Oxford Dictionary of Sociology defines crime in […]
What is the most efficient swimming stroke?
What is the most efficient swimming stroke? Freestyle What is efficient swimming? Similar to measuring the efficiency of a car in miles per gallon (fuel efficiency), the physiological efficiency simply measures how much energy is expended by a swimmer to swim a certain distance. The less the energy required to swim that distance, the more […]
What did Theodore Roosevelt do during his presidency?
What did Theodore Roosevelt do during his presidency? In foreign policy, he focused on Central America where he began construction of the Panama Canal. He expanded the Navy and sent the Great White Fleet on a world tour to project American naval power. His successful efforts to broker the end of the Russo-Japanese War won […]
What does Bunbury symbolize?
What does Bunbury symbolize? Bunbury Symbol Analysis. Algernon describes this pretext as “bunburying,” but he also uses the term to describe Jack’s false representation of himself as “Ernest” and his own masquerade as “Ernest.” Bunbury and “bunburying” thus represent deception, fiction, and escapism. Why did Algernon create Bunbury? Like Jack, Algernon has invented a fictional […]
Is a set of systematic techniques for changing mental concepts?
Is a set of systematic techniques for changing mental concepts? Brainstormingd. Idea championshipANSWER: RATIONALE::aLateral thinking can be defmed as a set of systematic techniques used for changing mental concepts and perceptions and generating new ones. This enables the team members to test their products in realistic settings and generate ideas on how to improve them. […]
How common is jury nullification?
How common is jury nullification? Kalven’s and Zeisel’s study of the American jury found that juries acquitted when judges would have convicted in only 19% of cases, and of these, only 21% of the acquittals were attributable to jury nullification. What is a jury nullification argument? Jury nullification (US), jury equity (UK), or a perverse […]
Which best explains why companies use celebrities to endorse their products to develop a brand to copy other companies to influence consumers to just?
Which best explains why companies use celebrities to endorse their products to develop a brand to copy other companies to influence consumers to just? Answer Expert Verified The best outcome from using a celebrity for advertising is the ability to: Build brand equity, meaning brand power is acquired through the name recognition, which allows the […]