What are two different ways that the sharecropping system was similar to the institution of slavery in Louisiana?

What are two different ways that the sharecropping system was similar to the institution of slavery in Louisiana? The sharecropping system in Louisiana was similar to the institution of slavery in that sharecropping also involved the production of agricultural goods and the labor of sharecroppers was exploited to produce cash crops. How did the Lewis […]

What period of time should you wait between introducing new foods so that allergic reactions can be easily identified?

What period of time should you wait between introducing new foods so that allergic reactions can be easily identified? Waiting 3-5 days between new foods is still advised by organizations like the American Academy of Allergies, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAI). “This slow process gives parents or caregivers a chance to identify and eliminate any food […]

Which climate supports little or no agriculture?

Which climate supports little or no agriculture? Midlatitude steppe does not support any kind of agriculture. What countries are aggressively pursuing GM crops and why? Brazil, India, and China are aggressively pursuing GM crops. We should follow the precautionary principle and proceed with caution on GM foods. The idea that one should not undertake new […]

Which is most challenging for developing countries large aging populations economic and employment issues?

Which is most challenging for developing countries large aging populations economic and employment issues? The answer is “social and environmental issues”. What are the challenges faced by developing countries? Corruption, poverty, war, hunger, healthcare, education, safety. These are only a few of the problems faced by people in developing countries. Many of these problems are […]

Why did Germany colonize?

Why did Germany colonize? In essence, Bismarck’s colonial motives were obscure as he had said repeatedly “… I am no man for colonies.” However, in 1884 he consented to the acquisition of colonies by the German Empire to protect trade, safeguard raw materials and export markets, and take opportunities for capital investment, among other reasons. […]

Which best describes mass media?

Which best describes mass media? Media that is widely broadcast or distributed best describes mass media. What is mass media in short answer? the means of communication that reach large numbers of people in a short time, such as television, newspapers, magazines, and radio. What do you mean by mass media? Mass media refers to […]

What is a payroll withholding statement?

What is a payroll withholding statement? A payroll withholding statement is notification from an employer to an employee or tax office detailing the taxes that have been withheld from an employee’s pay. The term is most commonly associated with the W-2 form that summarizes withholdings from an individual employee during the year. What are the […]

What delay liquidated damages?

What delay liquidated damages? Delay liquidated damages are usually expressed as a specified rate per day which represents the estimated extra costs incurred and losses suffered for each day of delay. From a customer perspective, liquidated damages can be advantageous for several reasons. Can the damages be predetermined in a contract? As explained in the […]

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