Which are wind instruments?

Which are wind instruments? Wind instrument Musical instrument. Organ. Clarinet. Trumpet. Flute. Bagpipe. Oboe. Accordion. What is wind music? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wind music has two different meanings: Music written for wind instruments. Music produced using the wind (rather than, say, breath). These are chiefly string instruments, such as the Aeolian harp, but […]

Kitchen and

Max-Jean Zins, ” Kitchen and policy in India. The political culinary Kayasthes, a caste of scribes ” , French Review of political science, 1998, n° 3, pp. 409-436. Three kitchens, three “kitchen world” in the sense in which Fernand Braudel speaks of the world-economy for the Mediterranean, that is to say, ” universe in itself […]

agency, the social persist in the holidays

At the time of vacation, the opportunity may be good to reflect on what the holidays may involve in terms of changes of the markings and patterns of related behaviors in everyday life : transformations of the rhythm of life (meal times, sunrise, sunset), daily (to spend more time with his or her spouse and […]

Emile Zola, a guinea pig of doctor Toulouse

In 1896 appeared the first investigation medico-psychological on the reports of the intellectual superiority with the neuropathy of Doctor Toulouse. Émile Zola is his first subject of investigation. He will be with Poincaré, one of the only. Offering his body and his brain in the investigation of medico-psychological of this young psychiatrist, Zola accepts to […]

False-not in the deconstruction of stereotypes

How to deconstruct stereotypes? Evelyn Fox Keller ( (The century of the gene, Paris, Gallimard, 2003 [2000], p129) points out how the company is difficult from an example from Jurassic Park… In the field of genetics, Evelyn Fox Keller has conducted a survey on the stereotypical representations. It concludes by using the example of Jurassic […]

Childhood and cultures : acts of the symposium online

The proceedings of the International Conference “Enfance & Cultures : regards des sciences humaines et sociales” which took place last year in Paris on 15, 16 and 17 December 2010 are in line. Childhood & Cultures : the encounter of two “small” scientific objects Sylvie OCTOBER, Régine SIROTA Construction of the tastes Cultures juveniles : […]

camping, a family transmission, a provision built

Gilles Raveneau & Olivier Sirost, ” The camping or the best of republics. Ethnographic survey in the island of Noirmoutier “, Ethnologie française, 2001 A small air of holidays with this week’s article. Through the example of the land of the island of Noirmoutier in the Vendée, the authors highlight the mechanisms of transmission and […]

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