Which of the following is an example of a special district?

Which of the following is an example of a special district? Single-function special districts are the most common type, examples of which include school building authorities, libraries, hospitals, health, highways, air transportation, fire protection, drainage or flood control, irrigation, sewerage, solid-waste management, water supply, cemeteries, and mosquito abatement. Which of the following is not a […]

How are presidential electors chosen?

How are presidential electors chosen? Generally, the parties either nominate slates of potential electors at their State party conventions or they chose them by a vote of the party’s central committee. When the voters in each State cast votes for the Presidential candidate of their choice they are voting to select their State’s electors. How […]

How did the Byzantine Empire start?

How did the Byzantine Empire start? The beginnings of the Byzantine Empire lie in the decision of Roman emperor Constantine I to relocate the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium on 11 May 330. The popular name Constantinople or ‘City of Constantine’ soon replaced the emperor’s own official choice of ‘New Rome’. […]

What is the area below the waist called?

What is the area below the waist called? The abdomen (commonly called the belly) is the body space between the thorax (chest) and pelvis. The diaphragm forms the upper surface of the abdomen. At the level of the pelvic bones, the abdomen ends and the pelvis begins. What are the lower body parts? The lower […]

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