Which civilizations developed in Asia?

Which civilizations developed in Asia? Asia is the birthplace of the world’s three ancient civilizations: ancient China, ancient India and Babylon. What was the first civilization in Asia? Harappan civilization What two ancient civilizations were developed? Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. All the major ancient civilizations—in Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus valley, and China—emerged in the 4th millennium […]

How the government is contributing towards poverty alleviation in nutrition?

How the government is contributing towards poverty alleviation in nutrition? The nutrition programme is part of the government’s broader poverty alleviation drive and zooms in on schools in needy communities. to promote and support food production and improve food security in school communities; and to strengthen nutrition education in schools and communities. What are the […]

Which of the following scenarios would best symbolize the effect of this process on indigenous cultures?

Which of the following scenarios would best symbolize the effect of this process on indigenous cultures? The correct answer is B) a scale-tipping heavily in one direction. Many international cultures are becoming westernized. The scenario that best symbolizes the effect of this process on indigenous cultures is a scale-tipping heavily in one direction. Which of […]

When was the great migration from the South?

When was the great migration from the South? 1916 When did a large wave of immigration occur in the United States? The United States experienced major waves of immigration during the colonial era, the first part of the 19th century and from the 1880s to 1920. Many immigrants came to America seeking greater economic opportunity, […]

What is the deterrence theory of punishment?

What is the deterrence theory of punishment? Deterrence in relation to criminal offending is the idea or theory that the threat of punishment will deter people from committing crime and reduce the probability and/or level of offending in society. An underlying principle of deterrence is that it is utilitarian or forward-looking. What are the major […]

What states observe Good Friday as a holiday?

What states observe Good Friday as a holiday? Currently, Good Friday, which is celebrated on Friday, April 2, is recognized as a holiday in 12 states: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Texas. Is Good Friday a public holiday in USA? Good Friday is an important […]

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