How do you find the primary and secondary windings of a transformer? The primary winding is the coil that draws power from the source. The secondary winding is the coil that delivers the energy at the transformed or changed voltage to the load. Usually, these two coils are subdivided into several coils in order to […]
How will you benefit from having a health skill related fitness?
How will you benefit from having a health skill related fitness? Improve your health Regular exercise and physical activity promotes strong muscles and bones. It improves respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health. Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and reduce your risk […]
How much electricity does 1200 watts use?
How much electricity does 1200 watts use? Appliance Electricity Usage Appliance Typical Consumption Per Hour Cost Per Hour (at 10 cents per kilowatt-hour) Space heater 1,500 watts 15 cents Hair dryer 1,200 watts 12 cents Electric range burner 1,000 watts 10 cents Refrigerator 1,000 watts 10 cents How much power does a 700 watt microwave […]
How does impulse turbine works?
How does impulse turbine works? Impulse turbines are most efficient for use in cases where the flow is low and the inlet pressure is high. Reaction turbines develop torque by reacting to the gas or fluid’s pressure or mass. The casing contains and directs the working fluid and, for water turbines, maintains the suction imparted […]
What level of radiation is harmful?
Is it OK to do HIIT everyday?
How do we classify fungi?
How do we classify fungi? Fungi are usually classified in four divisions: the Chytridiomycota (chytrids), Zygomycota (bread molds), Ascomycota (yeasts and sac fungi), and the Basidiomycota (club fungi). Placement into a division is based on the way in which the fungus reproduces sexually. Are all fungi unicellular? Fungi can be single celled or very complex […]
What is the equation to find the final velocity?
What is the equation to find the final velocity? Final velocity (v) of an object equals initial velocity (u) of that object plus acceleration (a) of the object times the elapsed time (t) from u to v. Use standard gravity, a = 9.80665 m/s2, for equations involving the Earth’s gravitational force as the acceleration rate […]
Is it OK to walk 10 km a day?
What is the ideal following distance?
What is the ideal following distance? The rule of thumb is to maintain at least a three-second following distance, giving you time to react and avoid potentially dangerous situations. You can calculate this by using a fixed object, such as a pole or an overpass to determine how far in front of you the car […]