What happens at the beginning of Chapter 6 Lord of the Flies? A dead pilot from one of the destroyed planes drifts down on a parachute and lands on the mountain top next to the signal fire. Samneric are on fire duty on the mountain top, but they are asleep. When they wake in the […]
What style of service is Chipotle?
What style of service is Chipotle? Chipotle is one of the first chains of fast casual dining establishments. Competitors in the fast-casual Mexican market include Qdoba Mexican Grill, Moe’s Southwest Grill, Rubio’s Coastal Grill, and Baja Fresh. Is Chipotle a good company? Chipotle offers good pay and good benefits as far as food service goes. […]
What does 5w4 mean?
What does 5w4 mean? People with an enneagram type five wing four personality tend to identify mostly with type fives, but also share traits with type fours. They are curious, creative, and reserved in their behavior. They prefer to be alone to reflect and recharge. They tend to be more emotional and self-expressive than other […]
What type of economic system bases its decision on custom?
What type of economic system bases its decision on custom? Ec 2 Economic Systems Vocabulary A B traditional economic system economic decisions are based on customs, beliefs, and ways of doing things that have been handed down from generation to generation command economic system the government controls the factors of production and makes all the […]
What is the main source of the Nile?
What is the main source of the Nile? White Nile Where is the true source of the Nile? Lake Victoria Did Top Gear really go to Chernobyl? I’ve visited Pripyat (the city nearest Chernobyl) where the footage was filmed. We tromped all over the paved surfaces and climbed to the top of the big hotel, […]
What are three physical symptoms that you experience feeling anxious?
What are three physical symptoms that you experience feeling anxious? Physical symptoms of anxiety stomach pain, nausea, or digestive trouble. headache. insomnia or other sleep issues (waking up frequently, for example) weakness or fatigue. rapid breathing or shortness of breath. pounding heart or increased heart rate. sweating. trembling or shaking. What are the psychological symptoms […]
How were the Tigris and Euphrates rivers important to Mesopotamia?
How were the Tigris and Euphrates rivers important to Mesopotamia? The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers supplied the land with rich water. This snowmelt water from the mountains is full of rich soil, called silt. The silt settled in the valleys and deserts of Mesopotamia, making the soil fertile and easy to grow crops. Where was […]
What tasks and problems did Han farmers face text to speech?
What tasks and problems did Han farmers face text to speech? What tasks and problems did Han farmers face? Han farmers had to grow enough food for their family and to help stock the granaries. They had to make their own clothing, built their homes, and give one month of unpaid labor to the government. […]
Who contributed to the civil war?
Who contributed to the civil war? Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Clara Barton, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, Stonewall Jackson and William Tecumseh Sherman played notable roles before, during and after the conflict. What was Abraham Lincoln’s contributions? Abraham Lincoln became the United States’ 16th President in 1861, issuing the Emancipation Proclamation that declared forever […]
Why does the lightbulb in a circuit turn on when you close the switch?
Why does the lightbulb in a circuit turn on when you close the switch? There is no closed-loop path for the current to flow through the circuit. When the switch is closed, the light bulb operates since the current flows through the circuit. The bulb glows at its full brightness since it receives its full […]