What is meant by rule of stare decisis?

What is meant by rule of stare decisis? Editor’s Note: Stare decisis is the policy of the court to stand by precedent. It literally means “to stand by decided matters”. The phrase “stare decisis” is itself an abbreviation of the Latin phrase “stare decisis et non quieta movere” which im plies “to stand by decisions […]

What are the types of unemployment?

What are the types of unemployment? Digging deeper, unemployment—both voluntary and involuntary—can be broken down into four types. Frictional unemployment. Frictional unemployment occurs as a result of people voluntarily changing jobs within an economy. Cyclical unemployment. Structural unemployment. Which type of unemployment would students who have just graduated from college and are looking for their […]

What two recommendations did a group of Alabama clergymen propose to resolve the racial conflict in Birmingham?

What two recommendations did a group of Alabama clergymen propose to resolve the racial conflict in Birmingham? (1)All public facilities including schools and lunch counters in Birmingham should be integrated immediately while (2) acknowledging that “the issues are not simple,” the signatories want to provide leadership on the basis of knowing “the ultimate spirit in […]

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