How does temperature inversion occur?

How does temperature inversion occur? Also called weather inversions or thermal inversions, temperature inversions occur when the normal heat gradient of the atmosphere is reversed. During a temperature inversion, cold air is trapped beneath warm air, creating a pocket of stagnated air close to the Earth’s surface. Where do temperature inversions occur? A temperature inversion […]

What were Greek paintings often painted on?

What were Greek paintings often painted on? Written record shows that the Greeks enjoyed painting and that it was one of their most important types of art. However, very few of their paintings have survived as they were painted on wood panels or walls which have since been destroyed. One place where Greek painting did […]

Which of the following laws reformed the financial industry and offered consumers protection against complex and or deceptive financial products as a result of the 2008 financial crisis?

Which of the following laws reformed the financial industry and offered consumers protection against complex and or deceptive financial products as a result of the 2008 financial crisis? After significant congressional revisions, President Obama signed H.R. 4173, now titled the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (P.L. 111-203), into law on July 21, […]

Is free speech allowed in Cuba?

Is free speech allowed in Cuba? The Cuban constitution says that free speech is allowed “in keeping with the objectives of socialist society” and that artistic creation is allowed “as long as its content is not contrary to the Revolution”. Cuba was named one of the ten most censored countries in the world by the […]

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