global Change II. The energy crisis

Source: CEMAV, Center of Design and Production of Audiovisual Media, of the UNED. . Since the second half of the TWENTIETH century, human societies have intervened in such a way on the planet that has the conditions that make possible the persistence of life, for the next generations, are in question. We are witnessing a […]

Mapping of the Disputes. Bruno Latour

By Israel González and Rubén Crespo [students of Sociology at the UNED] . . MAPPING CONTROVERSIES (Mapping Controversies is a website dedicated to students and researchers working in controversies in science and technology. It has been designed as part of the project MACOSPOL (Mapping controversies in science and technology for politics), a project of the […]

Cycle of Lectures: “Age…” in the Fundación Juan March

10, 12, 17, 19, 24 and 26 April 2012 at the Fundación Juan March * Listening to lectures and see presentations: HERE Several scientists, a paleontologist, a sociologist and a professor of moral and political philosophy analyzed the aging with a cross-cutting approach that includes perspectives-evolutionary and biomedical –with special attention to diseases such as […]

Continues to Cisolog

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What are the 6 characteristics of science?

What are the 6 characteristics of science? Consistency- Observability- Natural- Predictability- Testability- Tentativeness- Science-has all six characteristics. Pseudoscience-has five, four, or three of the characteristics. What are some examples of science? Branches of science Science Empirical sciences Formal science Natural science Basic Physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, and space science Logic, mathematics, and statistics Applied […]

What is stress in psychology?

What is stress in psychology? Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Stress is your body’s response to anything that requires attention or action. Everyone experiences stress to some degree. The way you respond to stress, however, makes a big difference to your overall well-being. What […]

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