How does increasing the molecular weight of a semicrystalline polymer affect its tensile strength?

How does increasing the molecular weight of a semicrystalline polymer affect its tensile strength? (a) The tensile strength of a semicrystalline polymer increases with increasing molecular weight. This effect is explained by increased chain entanglements at higher molecular weights. How does deformation by drawing of a semicrystalline polymer affect its tensile strength decreases increases? Deformation […]

How does environmental regulation affect the economy?

How does environmental regulation affect the economy? Environmental regulations, intended to protect human health and the environment, generally result in higher production costs and lower productivity in firms, which can lead them to shift investment and production to less stringent locations. How do environmental protection laws affect businesses? Environmental regulations can reduce employment and productivity […]

What are the 3 types of framing for wood structures?

What are the 3 types of framing for wood structures? There are three principal types of framing for light structures: western, balloon, and braced. Figure 6-1, page 6-2, illustrates these types of framing and specifies the nomenclature and location of the various members. How do you create a building structure? Procedure of Structural Design STEP […]

How many generations of stars are there?

How many generations of stars are there? When new stars form, the most massive ones will die quickly, and their remnants can then participate in future episodes of star formation. It is possible that many of these atoms have been inside dozens or even 100+ generations of stars by the present time. What is the […]

How many mL is 6 glasses of water?

How many mL is 6 glasses of water? Convert Glasses to Milliliters glasses mL 6 887.21 7 1,035.1 8 1,182.9 9 1,330.8 What does 10 mL of water weigh? 10.00 Grams How many grams is 5 mL of water? Conversion Table mL Grams 2 mL 2 grams 3 mL 3 grams 4 mL 4 grams […]

What is the old name of Bhutan?

What is the old name of Bhutan? Druk yul Is Bhutan richer than India? Now, everybody will agree that happiness is much more than GDP. However, Bhutan’s dirty secret is that it is world champion in GDP growth. Today, thanks to galloping economic growth for two decades, Bhutan is almost twice as rich as India: […]

What is the product of iron oxygen water?

What is the product of iron oxygen water? The iron reacts with water and oxygen to form hydrated iron(III) oxide, which we see as rust. Iron and steel rust when they come into contact with water and oxygen – both are needed for rusting to occur. Boiling the water removes the oxygen and the layer […]

How many F 35 does Japan have?

How many F 35 does Japan have? Currently, the Misawa base hosts 17 F-35As, with the number set to increase to some 20 next spring. After trial operations, they will be assigned missions such as scramble responses. The ministry plans to procure 147 F-35s eventually. How many F-35 did the US buy? Three Variants for […]

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