What are the advantages of selective breeding in animals?

What are the advantages of selective breeding in animals? Benefits of selective breeding include: new varieties may be economically important, by producing more or better quality food. animals can be selected that cannot cause harm, for example cattle without horns. What are the negative effects of inbreeding? Key Takeaways. Inbreeding occurs when two closely related […]

What is a good U-value?

What is a good U-value? The best insulating materials have a U-value of close to zero – the lower the better. Building regulations currently stipulate that for a new building, the elements must have maximum U-values as follows: Wall – 0.3 W/m2k. Roof – 0.15 W/m2k. What is a good window U-value? In a cold […]

What does half-life of radiation mean?

What does half-life of radiation mean? Half-life, in radioactivity, the interval of time required for one-half of the atomic nuclei of a radioactive sample to decay (change spontaneously into other nuclear species by emitting particles and energy), or, equivalently, the time interval required for the number of disintegrations per second of a radioactive … What […]

Why is gravity weaker underwater?

Why is gravity weaker underwater? This is because water exerts a kind of frictional force called “force of buoyancy”. When you throw something into water , the water below the object will push it upwards making the object weigh less. Why is there no gravity under water? There is gravity everywhere. Gravity is just the […]

Which stove do you light first?

Which stove do you light first? A glass stove, a brick stove , and a wood stove. You only have 1 match. Which do you light up first? Answer: You light the match first. Can you light a match with your finger? Safety matches need to be struck on a match box, but strike-anywhere matches […]

What is the sound of a ship called?

What is the sound of a ship called? The sound of ship’s siren on the steam ship “Sołdek”. The recording was realized on board of the ship-museum belonging to the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk (Poland). The sound of ship’s siren was used as so called fog signal, i.e. sound signal emitted by the ship […]

What house is Venus currently in?

What house is Venus currently in? Venus is currently in your chart’s 6th house, which rules your daily routine, work, and wellness. What is the hottest country in the world? Djibouti Which country has no rain? World: Longest Recorded Dry Period The world’s lowest average yearly precipitation in 0.03″ (0.08 cm) during a 59-year period […]

What is the three phases of water?

What is the three phases of water? There are three phases of water that are studied in elementary school: solid, liquid, and gas. What are the 3 state of water? One of the most basic things we are taught in school science classes is that water can exist in three different states, either as solid […]

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