Because now, well it is a beta closed although you are supposed that should open it soon, they have a service to create and have personal pages. It would be one without San Google. E-mail, Google News, Google Desktop, Google Maps (and there is also Google Mars, which are maps of Mars), and so many […]
the electoral chances of the right
From, say, 1938, the right has won a single presidential election in Chile (Alessandri). The right has gobnernado more time (not only during the dictatorship, but within the governments radical), by the way has been an electoral force, and policy is pretty powerful. But it can’t win presidential elections. In some cases, as studied Moulian […]
the mania to deny the complexity of history on the part of sociologists.
Recently I have touched the never very pleasant task of reviewing evidence in the course of Sociology of Consumption that I am giving. And among the various things that caught my attention is one that has a relationship with my favorite subject -history. One of the questions of this test had to do with that […]
ranks and posts
a forgotten.
the rules of The method: The postulate of the equality of actors
Ever, among the countless ideas I have had and I have not followed, it occurred to me that it would be a good idea to write a text similar to the Rules of The Method Sociological. Among other reasons, because it seems to me that what is missing-oddly, in a discipline so concerned about methodological […]
A couple of notes on the domestic work and its relationship with the paid
Given that I’m doing a course of consumption, I was re-reading A Theory of Shopping Daniel Miller, and then I found the following phrases: ‘Here, as is often the case, there is no evident resentment at being identified unambiguously with housewifery. On the other hand, there is a considerable desire that this should be appreciated […]
Before I forget it, ideas for the 2nd version of the course of consumption
Because it is better to start writing the ideas, which tend to disappear with the old age that always comes. Then. 1. Introduction. A historical approach: consumption as material life. The evolution of the standard of life (or why it is not useful to forget that the consumption is going to be significant and cultural, […]
military organizations
For a sociologist (which is way more impersonal to say ‘for me’) there are two features that should prove to be interesting on the military organizations: First, they are the only organizations designed, conceived and structured to survive -and to continue to operate without problems – with continuous ‘reductions’ and ‘rotations’ of staff (The use […]