The previous sections have been rules about necessary aspects to take into account for a proper description of the social life. The following postulate is a rule on where it should focus of such description or explanation. A very important part of the effort of the social sciences is simply to show the importance of […]
The analytical rules of the Method in Social Sciences (VII) Epilogue. The possibility of a science naturalistic social
The argument that we have developed in these pages is based on the assumption that the social sciences are, can be, indeed, a science. To be more precise, the project of a description and a rational explanation of the social reality is possible and valid. In other words, that it is possible for an approximation […]
On political actions in Sociology
To purpose of the recent hunger strike of the mapuche, in the list Chilesoc appeared some requirements to sign a statement of support about your situation. So far, all reasonable. Now, you asked for it to be a statement of support for both sociologists (and initially using the word expert). Which I thought was inadequate-because […]
Everything you told us about modernity was wrong (II) how The modernity as a project?
This of you begin to talk of other things makes one forget that this was initially a blog about sociology, and that there are issues half-written. As the diptych on modernity. In the first part, criticizing the idea that we had about what was the modern project. And had been announced -for shame total – […]
Some ideas about the Social Order
Some ideas thinking in the social order at the level of societal or whatever you call it to a set of relationships. I don’t think it’s possible the ‘disorder’ social at lower levels (that is, one will always find with social practices, with nets, with some kind of role), At least, because human beings simply […]
the rules of The sociological analysis
In reality, this is nothing more than a rehash. I had originally organized, edited and expanded several posts on the methodology that we had made on this blog in a series of posts about the rules of analytic method in the social sciences. And once posted these, we organized, by editing and enhancing the text. […]
qualitative is generalizable.
Among the innumerable assumptions of the discourse on the sociological vulgar (which immediately made me think that I should write a text about it) is the idea that qualitative techniques do not allow to generalize. That said for those who dedicate themselves to the quantitative sounds to attack (‘they saw, what qualitative is limited because […]
The strange case of the influence of Luhmann in sociology chile
Why Luhmann was transformed in Chile into one of the leading theorists? (it is a matter of reviewing programs, for example, the phd, in order to observe their influence). In the end, it is not true that is extremely influential in a universal way. What becomes even more strange the issue is that his theory […]
the utility Of formalization in Sociology
The formal arguments tend to be lateros, do not always move substantially things and, in general, are more difficult to make the arguments (and statements) to informal normally do in Sociology.But they have one great advantage, which I think is crucial. To avoid this kind of things: In the course of criticizing utilitarianism and the […]
Paper on Methodology
And having, at the same time, made a presentation at the same congress, on Methodology (based but editing, the ideas expressed in the series on the rules of the sociological analysis), we will also do the same thing. That is, to publish it (link here) And here is the summary: The methodology in the social […]