The difficult economic situation that they are living in families in today’s world demands a new reflection of what culturally is understood by work at home or home.
[…] while the women of the First World has discovered his freedom by acceding to the labour market and work full time, now is seen in a dilemma: the first feminism deceived her into believing that motherhood was a disadvantage in respect of the man, but now you don’t see it and you want to form a family and have children. However, it faced the difficulty of not having time to raise them. Thus, thousands of women in emerging countries to abandon their home and their children, to work away from their lands and devote themselves to the care of children of others, whose mothers have chosen to enter the labour market.
Maria Pia Chirinos, of the Prologue (p. 12)
The book of Rafael Hurtado (UP-Guadalajara) deals with the difficult economic situation that families live in today’s world, which calls for a new reflection of what culturally is understood to work in the home or “domestic”. The book rests its foundations starting from the teaching of the Catholic Church, which has clearly indicated the importance and dignity of the woman-mother who dedicates her time to the care of his household and the education of their children, while promoting the active participation of the man-father in what can be identified as “professional work” par excellence.
Worthy of the highest recognition of social, cultural and economic, the work in the household has a radical importance in the development of the human person, and gradually begins to have prestige in some academic circles, the social movements of high impact, and even in the media. We will see why.
Interesting also the contributions of the teacher María Pía Chirinos (University of Piura) that says in the Prologue, as well as the final study expressed, by way of an Epilogue, by professor Mikel Santamaría (University of Navarra). On the whole, Reflections on the work in the home and family life is a text whose purpose is to foster the development of such an interesting discussion in the hispanic community.
Brief review about the author

Rafael Hurtado Domínguez was born in Monterrey, N. L. (Mexico). Is a Mechanical Engineer Manager, ITESM (Mexico). Diploma in Theology of Marriage and the Family, John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family (Australia). Master’s degree and Doctorate in Government and Culture of the Organizations of the Institute of Enterprise and Humanism, University of Navarra (Spain). External researcher of the international project on Family and Media at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Italy). Author of the book fatherhood in the thought of Karol Wojtyla, Pamplona 2011. Contributor to academic journals: The Chesterton Review, The Journal of The Australian Family Association, Backgrounds, Home and Family, New Trends-IEH andOur Time; he is Currently a research Professor in the Department of Humanities, Universidad Panamericana-Guadalajara (Mexico).