Should parents let their child play football?

Should parents let their child play football?

Parents should allow their children to play football so they can experience the rush that hits you when you step onto the field. It can also be a future career if their children can make the cut. Along with every other sport football has its risks, but in football you use protective equipment.

Should parents let their child play football pros and cons?

Should You Let Your Kid Play Football?

  • Pro: Playing football can help kids stay in shape.
  • Con: Football players are at high risk for concussions.
  • Pro: Kids who play sports do better in school.
  • Con: Injuries can have long-lasting effects.
  • Pro: Organized sports help teach kids life lessons.
  • Balancing the Risks and Benefits.

How do I convince my parents to let me play football?

Tell your parents why you want to play the sport. When it comes time for the conversation, talk to your parents about why you want to play the sport. Make sure to express that you’re interested in the sport itself, and let them know that it’s an interest you have been developing.

What are the risks of playing football?

But playing football isn’t without its risks. According to the National High School Sports-Related Injury Surveillance Study, more than 500,000 high school football injuries occurred between the 2014 and 2015 school year….Common injuries include:

  • Ankle sprains.
  • Hamstring injuries.
  • Meniscus tears.
  • Concussions.

Who gets hit the most in football?

Players in the offensive line were injured most frequently however running backs had the highest percentage of injuries in one single position. Additionally, the study found that tackling and being tackled was the action that attributed to the majority of injuries.

Do athletes die younger?

MYTH: Elite athletes die at a younger age. FACT: There is some evidence which points to a shorter life expectancy for professional athletes, performance artist and elite runners. Other studies confirmed that elite athletes longer life-span could be explained by a reduced risk of cancer. …

Who is the highest paid child actor?


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