The Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology of the UNED turns 25 years old

* Input up-to-date with the report of the UNED of the event made by Aida Fernández Vázquez and the videos of the conferences and events of CanalUNED.

La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años


Program of the commemoration

Day 13 of June

12 hours. Living room of Acts of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology

  • Intervention of the dean of the Faculty, D. José Antonio Olmeda Gómez

  • Intervention of professor D. Ramón Cotarelo García

  • A lecture by professor D. Luis González Seara: “The open society and look cosmopolitan”


Day 14 June

11 hours. Living room of Acts of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology

  • 11 am: Lecture by the professor D. José Félix Tezanos Tortajada: “Changes and social trends in the past 30 years”

  • 11:30 pm: Lecture by the professor D. Ramón Cotarelo García: “The changes in politics in the last thirty years”

  • 12 hours: Imposition of medals by the Rector of the UNED and the dean of the Faculty


Faculty website: Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology of the UNED



Madrid, June 14, 2012. By Aida Fernández Vázquez


A quarter of a century of changes

The Faculty of CC Policy and Sociology celebrates its 25th anniversary

The Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology get to 100 teachers, 26 workers of administration and services, and dozens of tutors in the Partner institutions to cater to 2.163 grade students of Sociology; 4.219 of Political Science and Administration; 793 undergraduate students Policy; 654 Sociology; 3.454 Diploma of Social Work; 129 the Master’s degree in Politics and Democracy, and 174 of the Interuniversity Master’s degree in Social Problems. In total, 11.586 students determined to understand how society works we have built, on what basis it stands, and what changes are required to ensure the best possible quality of life for its citizens.

La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Ramón Cotarelo and José Antonio Olmeda, Dean, listen to the first lecture, by José Félix Tezanos

To reach these figures have had to spend 25 years, a quarter of a century of effort and enthusiasm of many people who have been involved. In 1987, the then Rector, Elisa Pérez Vera, appointed a Management Committee to implement the new Faculty: Antonio Torres del Moral, Fernando Quesada, Carmen Huici, Fustino Fernández-Miranda, Ramón Cotarelo, Jose Felix Tezanos and the missing Mercedes Semolinos and Javier Tussel.

La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años

All of them, next to the former Deans, several faculty and staff, received the Medal of the Faculty. A distinctive premiered for the occasion, with the image of Palas Athena, the goddess of wisdom and protectress of the polis. In his right hand, a roll with the “Politics” of Aristotle, in allusion to the Political Sciences; the left rests in the city, in reference to Sociology. At the base, the date of foundation of the Faculty.

La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años

Professors Ramón Cotarelo and José Félix Tezanos, responsible for providing lectures on the political history and sociological of these 25 years, were accused by surprise and were thrilled to be the first to receive the Medal. Almost as much as Miracles and Peace, workers of the Faculty from its beginnings and perhaps the most applauded of the day.

All the medals

La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Andrés de Blas, Dean 1988 / 90
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Jose Almaraz, Dean 1990/92 and 95/99
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Santos Juliá, Dean 1992 / 95
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Faustino Fernández-Miranda, Dean 1999/2003; Vr. and the driving force of the Faculty with Elisa Pérez Vera
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
José María Arribas, Dean 2003 / 07
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Elisa Chuliá, Dean 2007/11
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Miracles Donaire, chief, bureau of Secretariat
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Peace of the Corner, the first administrator of the Faculty
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Pío Navarro Alcalá-Zamora, cat. Sociology, in its name Marisa García de Cortázar
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Ana Poyal, a professor in the Icac’s Policy, retired this course.
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Posthumously, José Luis García de la Serrana and Ensign, picks up the medal Lourdes Lopez.
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
Posthumously, Javier Left; collect the medal his brother Luis Izquierdo.

Two times 25

José Félix Tezanos, a professor of Sociology, director of the Department of Social Trends and coordinator of the master in Social Problems, was in charge of developing the x-ray of the changes experienced in Spain in the last 25 years. He started by recalling his arrival at the UNED, and his arduous search for a library specializing in Distance Education. After seeking access to the coveted library and walk around and backtrack several corridors, he found all the literature compiled about compressed in a cabinet!.Today each Partner school has its own library, there is a Central and several faculties and subject areas. In addition to documents and e-books within the reach of anyone from your own personal computer.

“The economic growth was spectacular. A GDP of 9,000 dollars spent 30,000, to draw closer to Germany and France. 688 robots industry installed outperformed France and the Uk, with over 33,000. Of 2.328 km of dual carriageway, we passed 15,000, Of a railway network in the nineteenth century, came to be the European country with the largest network of High-Speed…”, he explained.

He noted, however, Tezanos, the moment of maximum splendour passed, and in 2008 “the naive optimism, perhaps derived from a certain feeling of new rich, degerneró in the pessimism most complete and fatal,” That which makes the more young people, kids of 16 years are studying in high school, when asked about where they are in five years, respond to the social researchers in Africa as aid workers, or in Australia or any sites far from this Spain, even Europe, diseased, that does not give them the work, that the excluded and the expelled”.

Enjoy the entire conference from Tezanos
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años

“Almost all of the events of this quarter of a century have had their good things and their bad things,” said Cotarelo. Discovering it is the task of sociologists and political scientists.

Ramon Cotarelo, a professor and director of the Department of CC Policy and Administration, recorrio the 25-year history of the School of the hand of the events that changed the world, both within and outside of our borders. Two events marked the national policy on the membership in NATO and in the EC. “Both have brought consequences mixed with good and bad things. NATO civilizó the Spanish army, so to speak, and removed him from the politics and adventures such as those of Tejero and Milans. In exchange we got involved in other military adventures in foreign little appropriate for this ramshackle country. The EC brought us the community funds that finance the development of the nineties, with the apotheosis of Aznar to get into the euro. The last result we are living it is better not to name it,” he said.

She recalled how the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was, for many “the end of the XX century. The ultimate benefit of the collapse of communism to the science policy has been the resurgence of marxist thought, now free of the heavy task of taking sides for or against the Soviet Union.”

While this was going on, at home we celebrated V Centenario “with half of the intellectual class Spanish speaking mission civilizatoria homeland, to the evangelization of the New World, and the other half speaking of genocide and extermination”.

ETA, the Gal, the Gulf War, the attacks of 11-M, the appearance of the 15-M movement or the current situation, “a seizure in the transient markets fincieros which has impacted on the real economy, generating a vicious circle of under-consumption that hinders the growth, as stated by the culteranos are always more verbose; or a scam, as they claim, the conceptistas”, he concluded.

Enjoy the entire conference of Cotarelo
La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED cumple 25 años
The Dean wanted to thank the attendees at the event with a surprise: the performance of the professor Hilde Sanchez, who performed a work of Shubert and the other of the maesto Toldrá, that thrilled the audience.

Source: UNED

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