The number of Economics and Statistics November 2009 is devoted to paid work and students. Magali Beffy, Denis Fougère and Arnaud Maurel wonder about the impact of the wage labor of students on the academic success of these.
It appears that the occupation of a job next to her studies, which penalizes the successful completion of university examinations, mainly when the number of hours of paid employment is high. Work more than 16 hours per week has an effect very signifcativement negative on the probability of graduating. A large volume of weekly hours of work (over 16 hours) significantly reduced the time dedicated to studying as well as, potentially, student attendance, and has a negative effect on academic success. On the other hand, a job in time, very partial (less than 16 hours a week) limit these negative effects.
The analysis is based on samples of Employment surveys conducted by Insee, from 1992 to 2002. These samples are restricted to persons in the course of initial studies at the university and studying for a university degree of first or second cycle (Deug, licence or master). The impact of the work a student employee on successful completion of the examination at the end of the academic year, first using a Probit model bivariate, and then a model that takes into account the number of weekly hours of paid work.